Ghost Village 9

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"I know... but I still worry. You know that I wouldn't be able to calm you down once I get started with the process." Little angel explains his reason.

"It's okay, little angel. You and Ah Lan go do what you have to do. I will keep an eye on him for you." Shen Wei volunteers, seeing how concern and reluctant little angel is about leaving little devil's side.

"Okay, master Wei. I will leave him in your capable hands. Just... if you see him starting to go crazy again, just demand him to calm down through your telepathic communication. We familiars are vowed to listen and obey our master's order; therefore, we cannot deny our master's demand no matter what." Little angel explains.

"Thank you for telling me. Now go." Shen Wei prompts and the little angel reluctantly leaves them but stops.

"Wait! Why am I the one leaving? It's you guys who need to move at least 5 meters apart from here! Master Yunlan will follow you after he gives me his blood." Little angel chides after the realization hits him which puts smiles on others seeing the chirpy little angel is back to them.

"Oh, right. Sorry little angel. We will go now. Just shout if you need help, okay?" Shen Wei seriously asks.

"Hmm. Now you go." Little Angel orders and everyone starts stepping back except Yunlan, who is busy biting his finger to make it bleed.

"Master Yunlan, can you just bite hard enough to bleed?" Little Angel demands, feeling impatient.

"Hey, why don't you try to bite your own finger to bleed intentionally?!" Yunlan annoyingly retorts back and coincidentally bit hard enough to make his finger bleed.

"See? It's not that hard, right?" The little angel said happily and squeezed Yunlan's bleeding finger to get a couple more droplets of blood into his own palm.

"There, that should be sufficient!" The little angel happily said and shoos Yunlan to join others.


Back at Ghost Flower Inn

"You guys are back! I got good news; Zhu Hong is awake now!" Lin Jing excitedly said when he sees others returning but his happy moment drops when he sees the fainted little angel, currently being carried by Yunlan.

"What happened to the little angel?" Lin Jing asks.

"He just used up too much power to free our new friend here" Yunlan replies while pointing to the ghost who is still gloomy but follows them obediently.

"You!? But how?" Lin Jing asks confusedly.

"He, my dear Lin Jing, is one of the guardians we are looking for as you guys suspected and his other half who also happens to be another guardian, we are searching for is still trapped according to the little devil.

"If you were able to bring him out, why didn't you guys do the same for the other guardian? Is there a complication?" Lin Jing inquires worriedly.

"Complication, yes. But not with the spell. You see, we need our little angel full of energy to break the shield, but he is currently in no condition for that. So, we are waiting for that." Yunlan explains patiently.

"Okay... so that's why he is gloomy?" Lin Jing clarifies while pointing at a gloomy looking ghost.

"Yep! He wants his other half to be free too since she is on the verge of disappearing but no one else except little angel knows how to break it." Yunlan states.

"Well, that can't be helped. So, did Shen get the chance to talk with his new tree spirit?" Lin Jing asks, trying to change the topic to lighten up the mood but fails.

"No, I didn't. But we found out that the tree spirit is the other half of his. Oh, bytheway, his name is Sang Zan and tree spirit name is Wang Zheng " Shen Wei adds and right on queue when Wang name is being mentioned, Sang's expression become more crestfallen than before which is close to impossible as it is.

"Okay... let's little angel rest to gain his power. We can meet Zhu Hong. She is resting in the room. She is still feeling woozy and confused. Explanation would be helpful." Lin Jing explains. Others follow him shortly after.


Zhu Hong' Room

"Hey, Zhu. How are you feeling?" Yunlan asks.

Zhu Hong is sitting on the bed and leaning by the bedhead. She definitely doesn't look happy at all.

"Can someone please explain what the hack happened to me? Why do I feel woozy and tired? And I remember nothing after I touched the ghost." Zhu Hong states grumpily.

"You were put into deep slumber when you touched the ghost and have been sleeping since. And you are awake now because we broke the spell." Zhao Yunlan explains.

"You say you broke the spell, does that mean he is with us now?" Zhu Hong asks with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Yes... he is. And NO, you can't get revenge on him because it was not his fault for being trapped by the spell." Yunlan said with a serious tone making Zhu Hong 'Tsk' unhappily.

"Okay, we just come to check up on you before we leave to our respective rooms. We are tired and sleepy. Get enough rest, demon queen." Yunlan cheerily says and right before he exits the room, he nonchalantly shouts out to Zhu Hong that makes her day much better.

"Ohhh~~~ I totally forget to mention that your Lin Jing has not left your side since you were under the spell because he was worried about you~~~"

"Zhao Yunlan!" Lin Jing hisses but Zhu Hong finally smiles while staring at Lin Jing with her starry eyes.

"Good night, everyone!" Yunlan says and leaves her room. Guo is guiding Sang Zan to Shen Wei's bedchamber; two familiars, Shen Wei and Yunlan, go for Yunlan's room.

"Ah Lan, let's put him on the bed." Shen Wei says and Yunlan carefully laid an unconscious angel on the bed.

"Should we go bring food? We can order in extra from the maids for little angel and I'm hungry too." Yunlan asks Shen Wei.

"Okay, I will let madam in the front desk now. Is there anything special you would like?" Shen Wei asks.

"Xiao Wei~~~ I am going with you."

"But someone needs to look after the little angel." Shen Wei tries to reason with his whiny lover.

"It's okay, master Wei. I will stay here. Both of you go get the food." Little devil steps in to help.

Little angel finally wakes up during middle of dining with earth shattering growling sound from his stomach. Yunlan did not stop laughing because both the little devil and Shen Wei got startled that they started choking on their food.

All while little angel innocently said... "hungry.... foods..." while rubbing sleepiness off his eyes.

"Yeah, your stomach already made that clear before you~~" Yunlan said to confused angel and poor little devil and Shen Wei, finally stopped coughing. 


A/N: Yayy!!!!! Promised chapter!! Please enjoy and next chapter, I will try to make it more exciting than this one...... 😅😅😅😅Your comments and votes are always appreciated~~~


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