Coming Out

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sorry i haven't updated in so long :( i missed you Cucumbers.

but im back and with ✨gay✨ peter


The first time Peter came out to on of the Avengers was completely by accident.

Peter was sitting in his bedroom at the compound talking to Ned and MJ on face time when he got a knock on his door and a "Peter."

"I gotta go guys, see you tomorrow!" he ended the call and bounded over to the door, throwing it open. "Hey Tasha!" he beamed.

"Hey маленький паук, how are you?" Natasha left on a mission a few days ago while Peter was at school so he didn't get to say bye, which he was really big on doing.

"I'm good мама паук I'm just suffering in physics class," Peter groaned as Natasha sat in his desk chair and he closed the door.

"Oh? And why is that?" Peter could practically hear the smirk in he voice as he flopped face down onto his bed.

"There's this cu-" he stopped mid-sentence when he remembered he wasn't out to her yet. He assumed she already knew, because Nat knew everything. His guard was always down around her because he trusted her, and that cause his mouth to go on and on without a pause.

"What?" She asked, "Is there a cute boy in your class that you can't stop starting at маленький паук?"

"No!" Pete squeaked, bolting upright into a sitting position.

"Peter," Natasha started, her voice unusually soft and Peter already knew that she was going to say something that would probably make him cry.

"You know, it's okay to like boys. I will never judge you." She said, keeping eye contact and giving him a wink.

He already knew that no one here would judge him, but that never stopped that little voice in the back of his head screaming at him not to let anyone know. They'll judge you. They'll hate you. They won't want you.

He covered his face with his hands, already knowing the tears were falling. Natasha sat back, saying a word of encouragement every now and then, but other than that let him get it out if his system.

"Thank you мама паук." He smiled after he finished crying.

She gave him a half smile, "No need to thank me. Do you want to hear about my mission?"

"Yes please!"


After he came out to Natasha he figured he should come out to everyone else. With the encouragement from said assassin and his two friends he worked up the courage to tell two people at the same time.

Bucky & Steve:

Peter had promised Steve and Bucky to go on their morning run with them, that way if things went south he could nope the fuck out of there and climb on top of te nearest building.

So now Peter was up bright an early and he felt like laying in a puddle of death and taking a nap, but we willed himself to stay awake and trudge to the elevator to meet Bucky and Steve.

"Hey Pete, you ready?" Steve asked, looking way too happy to be up this early in the morning.

"Yeah you look kinda dead, kid." Bucky added helpfully.

"Thank you for pointing out my beauty, Bucky." Peter snarked back, following the two to the track.

About ten minutes into running Peter was slowly loosing his confidence and had to say something before he chickened out and didn't say anything.

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