New Book?

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So, um, hello Cucumbers.

I have an announcement.

Its basically the title.

I'm making a new book, well its finished. I wrote it when I was delusional.

Its called: Some Secrets Are Meant To Be Told.

Long title? Yes

Probably a bad story? Definitely

Cover? Friend is working on one, but some to choose from would be great.

What's it about? Here you go:

"Who are you?"

       "It's a secret."

"Well, some secrets are meant to be told."



Gracie, a girl that was always happy and smiling. She has a happy family, and life.

She knew everyone in her small happy town.

Then Jace comes.

That's all anyone knows about him.

His first name.

He's hiding something and Gracie knows it.

How can she get him to share such a secret?

But, after all, in a small town, big secrets are hard to keep.

There you go. I showed it to you in an authors note, but I changed the description a little.

Oh, and here is a description of the main characters.

Jace: Male, really skinny, brownish blondish hair, brown eyes with blue and green spots, always wears hoodies and jeans, hair style is short, with bangs that go to the side, has old black converse, always wear a blue bracelet, light freckles, height: 5'3

Gracie: Female, medium weight, blonde hair, green eyes, wears plain color shirts with a light jacket and pants, hair is down with a pink hair pin holding it back, with white vans, height: 5'1

When should I release it? Like it's finished, I've edited it and stuff.

This month?

Next month?

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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