Why He Stays

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it's sad but there's fluff, i'll be posting a lot of fluff because i think we all need some fluff right now

~unedited ~




Tony listened to the water dripping from the faucet in the bathroom. The white of his ceiling capturing his attention.




He closed his eyes, becoming fully engaged in listening to the water drip. It slowly got annoying, but he couldn't get up.

He thought about getting up a few times, to turn off the faucet, but every time he tried to lift a hand to help himself up it felt like thousands of weights were suddenly dropped on his limb.

So he sat there, listening to the drip of the faucet as time went by.

First, Pepper came in, she sat on his side of the bed. She talked to him softly and tried to urge him out if bed, he even almost got out. His head lifted from his pillow and his back was straightened, then he was falling back down.

Pepper tried to get him back up after that, but it was no use. He just couldn't do it.




Second it was Rhodey, his best friend. He stood by his side, even pulled up a chair. He talked about all the things he could be doing if he was up and out if bed. He tried again, and he almost did it again.

His head lifted, his arms supported him up, he even almost got a leg out from under the covers. But it didn't work. He couldn't do it, there was no use, no need, for him to get out of bed.

So he laid right back down, apologizing that he couldn't do all Rhodey had wanted.

Rhodey shook his head, giving Tony's shoulder a pat. He gave him a nod before putting the chair back and leaving the room.




Next was Happy, who he didn't really expect if he was honest. Happy was always there to give him advice but he never came when Tony was in this state. He always kept his distance.

This time, he stood by Tony's side.

"Come on, let's get you up." He had said, gently pushing him upwards.

But it was too much, it took too much effort.

"No." Was the first thing he'd said in his time being confined in his bed. He had no idea just how long it's been.

"Tony, people out here need you." Happy was only trying to help, and Tony knew that. He did.

He tried to tell him that, but he didn't have the energy to get up.

His "No" took the rest if his energy, his effort, that he had left to try.

Happy sighed, "Get better, Tony."




The next person that came surprised Tony to say in the least.

He did not expect his fifteen year old mentee to come walking into his bedroom. But he didn't react, he just laid there staring at the ceiling and listening to the faucet drip. The water still going in the same steady rhythm.

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