5 times Tony heard about Flash

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...and the one time he met him.

For some reason my phone changes Tony to Tiny?? THAT'S A NORMAL NAME PHONE.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

More 5+1's coming from the chapter I posted, so you might be seeing yours.

If not, I'm sorry I didn't chose them, my friend did. I'll tell you more about that when the others come out.

Anyway, enjoy :)


Peter and Tony were sitting in the lab working on some upgrades for Peter's suit.

"How was school?" This question became routine for the two. Peter would come in and sit down, Tony would roll his chair over and start working on something with him and the question would pop up.

Tony also liked to hear the kid ramble on about his day, the way his eyes would shine as he talked about his best friend or his girlfriend.

"Well MJ, Ned, and I were walking into school since they were waiting outside for me when Flash decided that he would walk in front of us and started calling us names- jokingly of course. Then we went to our lockers and..."

Tony listened as Peter rambled, but his mind drifted as he brought up this Flash kid. He paused before he said jokingly, he had never mentioned him before but the way be talked it seemed like he knew him.

Tony started to think that maybe this Flash wasn't joking.

"...Then Ned was all like 'do you lay eggs' and I was like 'noooo' it was so funny Mr. Stark."

Peter stopped and looked over at Tony. "Are you okay?"

Tony snapped out of his train of thought. "Yeah, who is this Flash kid? You've never talked about him before in your little ramble."

Peter stared at Tony for a minute, looking like a confused puppy before his brain clicked on.

"Oh, Flash? He's- he's a good guy, he's my friend and- and we hang out sometimes, ya know. He, um, jokes around with me sometimes, uh, ya know?"

Tony looked at the kid for a minute. It sounded like Peter was lying to him. Tony wanted to believe him. He say there looking at Peter.

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