You're My Darlin'

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i got a little carried away while writing this and it's over 3,600 words

also sorry i'm not updating what i say i will and keep posting random shit

for some reason tho i've gotten really into parley. i don't know why lmao.

but here's some fuckin parley,

sorry if you don't like it.


Peter and Harley are best friends.

Who flirt with each other a whole damn lot.

Almost everything that comes out of ones mouth to the other is some sort of flirtation.

Sometime along the way they realized it wasn't just harmless flirting any more.

And neither of them know what the fuck to do about it.


"Hey darlin' " Peter felt arms snake around his waist.

"What's up, boo?" Peter asked Harley, removing his arms from his waist and turning to face him.

"Just wanting to tell you that I'm driving us to school today." Harley had a shit eating grin on his face, obviously enjoying Peter's reaction.

Peter looked utterly defeated. "I wanna die, but not with you driving."

Harley smiled, he liked to annoy Peter.

"C'mom sweetie, let's roll." Harley dangled his keys in front of Peter's face, taking every moment to show off his car that he could. (aka: how most juniors at my school act)

"I'll be there in a second, honey."

Peter got in the passenger seat, a sigh escaping his lips.

"I don't wanna go to school."

Harley looked over at him, before focusing on the road once again. "Is that Flash prick giving you a hard time again? I won't let it slide this time, I'll beat his no good little-"

"No, Flash hasn't done anything. I just have an essay due, I had to print it and everything."

Harley pulled into the school and they got out, Peter rummaged in his backpack to show Harley the essay.

"Oh shit! Harley!"

"What happened?" Harley jumped at Peter's sudden raise in voice.

"I left it at home!" Peter's face was red and he looked like he was about to cry.

"You go ahead and go to class, I'll run back and get it." Harley zipped Peter's backpack for him. "Don't worry darlin' I'll be back in no time."

Harley got in the car and quickly drove away.

Peter was left standing in the parking lot, clear of students due to the bell ringing a few minutes ago.

Peter sighed, he didn't want to be late, but he knew if he was late and didn't have his essay then that would be even worse for him.

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