Crush (1)

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Hi I'm currently writing this as I sit in the bathroom stall at school and cry :)

But it was finished at home



(Also this is kinda bad but kinda not, you get me?)

TW? Not really sure, if you read it and think it does tell me and I'll put one.

You can read now.

I knew from first day I saw Peter Parker walk into the classroom that we were meant to be.

He's beyond perfect.

His hair is curly on the days he doesn't gel it down, his eyes are big and bright, not to mention the muscles.

He tries to hide his muscles, but they're just so perfect.

I walked over to Peter's desk one day to ask him how his paper was going and he was just being so cute.

~le flashbacc~

"Hey, how's the paper going?" I asked, standing over at Peter's desk.

Peter smiled bashfully, his cheeks turning a rosy red. "It's going alright," Peter replied, smiling up at me.

I smiled back and rested my arm on his bicep, squeezing his muscle.

Peter giggled and kept doing his paper as I walked back to my desk and sat down

~end of le flashbacc~

Peter was just the perfect guy for me.

I could tell by the way he would talk to me and look at me that he liked me too.

I remember last week when he told me I was beautiful.

~another le flashbacc~

"You're to beautiful to be single," Peter told me. A red tint to his cheeks as he giggled.

I put my hand on his, "Peter, you're to handsome to be single."

Peter laughed and looked at me longingly.

"See you later, Parker." I giggled and got up, leaving Peter to stare as I walked away.

~end of le flashbacc~

It's crazy how much I love Peter.

He's just so damn perfect it's hard not to.

(I'm done with the le flashbacc so I'm just doing the flashbacc's in italics now)

"You know what Parker?" I asked.

He hummed in reply, still looking at his work.

"You're really smart."

A blush formed on his face. "Thanks."

"And you're really handsome."

Peter giggled, that breathtaking sound coming from his mouth gave me butterflies.

Oh God, I love him.

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