New Teacher

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^Me wishing I was cute, but in reality I look like a piece of shit. UPDATE: you missed it ;)

This is also not edited, because I'm lazy af.

I also messaged the person that copied a one-shot. They were going to give me credit, but forgot. It's all sorted out now. We are actually fans of each others books.

More of this Cucumbers drama at the end of this chapter


Peter was ignoring the new teacher.

He didn't even know his name, and if he was honest?

He doesn't care.

"Are you paying attention?"

Peter looked up at the voice, and saw the new teacher.


"Um, n-no." Peter wasn't going to lie.

The teacher sighed, "I'm going to have to call your parents."

Peter choked, and Ned just sat there.

"Um sir-" Peter tried to tell him "my parents are dead so, good luck."

"No, I will not listen. Now, what is your mothers phone number?"

"You can't call her sir she's-"

"Then give me your fathers number."

Peter sighed.

Flash was smirking.

MJ was being MJ.

And Ned was sitting there, wide eyed.

"My parents are dead, sir."

The teachers calm expression dropped, and Flash bursted out laughing.

"I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know."

Peter shrugged, like it was no big deal.

But inside, inside his heart was aching.

He didn't have parents like everyone else. He only had his aunt.

"Well I need to call someone."

Peter groaned, his aunt had broken her phone, so he couldn't call her.

"Um, my aunts phone is broken."

"I'll call the second number listed."

Jesus could this dude just drop it.

"Tony Stark? Really."

"It's him. I promise!"

The teacher called him, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Tony's voice was clear throughout quiet room.

"Is this Tony Stark?"

"No, it's Rudolph."


"Yes it's Tony Stark. What do you want?"

"Well Peter Parker-"

"Is he okay? Do I need to come pick him up?" Tony's voice was worried, which surprised that he actually could care for other people.

"Yes, he was being disrespectful in class."

The class could clearly hear Tony's laughter coming from the phone.

"Peter, disrespectful?" Tony's laughter calmed.

"He wasn't paying attention and-"

"What do you teach?"

"I'm the new science teacher."

Tony laughed harder. "Okay, listen here teach. Peter is smarter than me, so whatever you're teacher he's probably known it since he was twelve."


"Goodbye and tell Peter I'm outside waiting."

With that the teacher silently put the phone down.

"U-um, Mr. Parker-" Peter was already running out the door.

Peter was out of the school in record time, since he forgot his locker combination at least four times.

"You just had to be extra didn't you?" Peter Inquired when he saw Iron Man.

"You know it." Tony said, picking Peter up and flying towards the tower.

Short and shitty.

I'm having some more drama with Petty-Ass :)

So he was pushing me into the lockers and calling me names. "Bitch, slutty, fat ass, ugly, etc"

Then he pushed me into the lockers in front of a teacher.

She looked at right at me as it happened.

And did nothing.

Then he kept kicking me in the shins and body shoving me with his fat ass self.

That has two days in a row now.

I'm about to bitch slap him so hard, Australia will be seeing him.

He even told one of my friends, let's call him Bill, to kill himself.

I said "No, no, no. We don't tell people to kill themselves, no matter what. Would you like it if I said that to you? No, no you would not. So shut the fuck up, thanks."

Then he said "Then maybe you should try it."

I smiled and said "Thanks for the past info, that's already been thrown away. If you have anymore trash comments, recycle and keep them to yourself."

He left after that class, since we different classes.

Some more drama:

My uncle, the one I've mentioned before, called me a annoying bitch.

So I was talking about it to a group chat I'm in, because I trust them.

And this person that has an account to beat the egg with a pic of bacon started saying shit.

Piece of shit meat pic: "I think bacon slays better than your uncle calling you a annoying bitch"

Me: First off an** second, thanks for the known fact, third,  my dad isn't relevant to your post "

Piece of shit meat pic: i see why he says you're an annoying piece of shit.

Me: thanks for using the grammar suggestion. Also it's 'an annoying bitch'.

Me: I'm also done talking to a piece of shitty meat.

Piece of shit meat pic: I'm done with an annoying bitch.

Me: Thanks for shutting up, it means a lot.

Piece of shit meat pic: I'm glad you know your a piece of shit

Me: annoying bitch** you're**  and it means so much to me that your glad. Thank you and fuck off! ☺

tHeY rAnTeD tO mY fRiEnD aBoUt Me AfTeR tHaT.

But eh, I probably deserved everything that happened over the last few days.

I'll be coming out the a request tomorrow!

I promise this time.

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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