Rest Easy

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I just found out whitewolf134 ended their life.

Their comments always made me smile.

I larbed her book, so much.

May she rest easy.

I wish I could have done something.

I hope their siblings are doing well.

Again, may you rest easy.

Their parents have been arrested for the horrible crimes they did to her and her siblings.

She has gone through this for awhile, I wish she would have told someone. We can't change the past, but we can mold the future.

If you ever feel this way, talk to someone.

You can even talk to me.

I will not judge.

I will welcome you with open arms to tell me anything.

She will live on, in the Irondad community, and in the hearts of her loved ones.


🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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