Stay Away From My Son

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Okay Cucumbers this is another request that I said would come out today.

TW: sKiP wEsTcOtT (that means attempted molestation for those of you who don't know)

Request #3

Peters POV.

Everyone around school is talking about the new 'hot gym teacher' at school since the other one got fired for cussing Flash out. (Which was well needed)

Now I was heading to gym with Ned and MJ, I absolutely dreaded gym.

Flash saw it as his opportunity to make my life hell.


I finally got to gym and sat in the bleachers with the rest of the class.

Mr. Morita thought it would be a good idea for them to get to know their knew gym teacher.

So for the first few minutes they would listen to the new gym teacher talk about his probably boring life with six dogs.

But with my Parker Luck™, that of course didn't happen.

So the new teacher walked in and the girls basically eye raped him.

I wasn't even looking at him, instead I was talking to Ned.

"So, I would like everyones attention for this video, then we'll start with warm ups." He said.

The voice sounded familiar, but I brushed it off anf continued talking with Ned.

"So, you have a new teacher..." I could already tell without looking that was another ine of Caps PSAs.

I can't wait to make fun of him.

Me and Ned ignored the video and continued talking about what my weekend had been like at the Compound.

Apparently the gym teacher noticed us talking instead of paying attention.

"Hey, you two up front, pay attention!"

Thats when I realized who it was.

I slowly turned from facing Ned to him.

That was Skip.

That is Skip.

That is my death certificate.

Jesus where are you when I need you.

Luckily he didn't look at me long enough until the end if the video.

When he turned it off he looked at the students and smiled.

I swear I saw a girl melt.


"I would like everyone to tell me their names and one interesting fact about themselves."

The students each took a turn, the girls trying (and failing) to flirt.

"My name is Flash Thompson and I'm getting a new car today." He flaunted.

"I'm MJ, I like to read." MJ said, not bothering to stand, she just gave him her  'I already don't want to listen to you' look.

"I'm Ned and I like Star Wars." Ned said, sitting down.

I stood up and I could tell he recognized me.

"Einstein!" He shouted, smiling.

Now people were staring.

Shit shit shit shit shit-

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