A Hug, Please?

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i haven't posted in over a month 🥺🥺

i will be posting like crazy to make up for it though, since school has been cancelled due to the virus.

i hope everyone is safe and healthy :)


What does affection mean?

Well, it can mean something different to everyone.

The dictionary definition of affection is a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.

What does affection mean to Peter? Well to Peter affection means many things: love, kindness, friendliness.

Affection to Peter overall means that someone is caring enough to take the time out of their day to give him a hug or even a handshake.

And lately, no one has taken the time out of their day to do that.

"Boss, it's time for you to wake up."

Tiny groaned, rolling over and flopping his arm out on the empty spot beside him. Of course Pepper had already gotten up.

"Boss, it's time for you to wa-"

"Shush, Fri, be a good girl and let me sleep for a little longer." Tony curled up, pulling the comforter up to his chin.

"Normally I would allow you to do so, but Peter was been waiting in your lab for fifteen minutes."

Tony shot up, why the hell was the kid in his lab this early in the morning?

"Why is he here?" Tony asked, throwing on a shirt.

"It's lab day, sir."

Tony scratched his head, walking out of his room and to the elevator. "Isn't it too early?"

"Boss, it's 12:20pm."

Tony blinked, "Oh."

Peter had been waiting for Tony for awhile, but it's okay. Friday had told him that he was still sleeping, and Peter knows how much Tony needs to catch up on some sleep.

So he told Friday not to disturb him and that he'd wait down there until Tony woke up.

Peter knew as soon as Tony walked in that he didn't wake up on his own, but he decided to ignore that fact so Tony wouldn't feel bad about sleeping in.

"How's it goin' kiddo?" Tony ruffled his hair as he walked passed and sat down in the rolling chair at his desk.

"I wrote down a couple of upgrades we could do for your suit."

Tony rolled over to Peter's desk, "Really, like what?"

Peter shrugged, "I was thinking we could up the vision enhancement."

Tony nodded, "True."

Peter beamed at him, obviously glad that Tony accepted one of his ideas.

Tony looked at the sheet and raised an eyebrow, "Why would I need a muffin dispenser in my suit?" Tony asked, pointing at the words.

Peter scoffed and even looked a little offended, "Why wouldn't you?"

Tony chuckled, "Sorry I don't have a serious muffin condition like you do."

"I do not have a muffin condition!" Peter huffed, crossing his arms.

Tony laughed, opening Peter's too drawer, showing a box filled with muffins.

Peter quickly shut the drawer and ignored Tony's laughing, "I like muffins, so what are you gonna do about it?"

Tony smirked, "I'll make you a deal?"

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