Silence Is Golden

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I just finished, or got to the end, of this book. Its not finished updating yet (I hope) the author hasn't updated in awhile. Its a really great book and I love it. Its called: Always Silent, Peter Darling
its by LlibLo. 

Its a really good book! Go read it and show the author some love!

It's also the inspiration for this one-shot!

Also, Peter is not Spidey in this.

TW: Physical (and very little verbal) abuse.

Third POV.

Peter was walking to school, he pulled down on the sleeves that connected to his baggy hoodie.

He took a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth, the winter air turned his breath into what looked like smoke.

He pulled out his phone and walked into the school, he went to his locker and put in his combination.

He grabbed his books and walked into class. He went to his normal seat in the back, beside Ned.

"Dude, dude, dude, dude!" Ned said as Peter sat down.

Peter turned to him and signed 'what, what, what, what'

Ned had learned ASL (American Sign Language) as soon as he met Peter. Peter seemed like a cool dude, and Ned wanted to be his friend.

"We have a new teacher! Isn't that cool, now we don't have to turn in that history project that we didn't do!" Ned explained excitedly.

'The history project that you didn't do.' Peter signed, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah- oh look, here he is!"

The teacher looked like your basic history teacher.

Bald on the top, hair on the edges, glasses that go down to the tip of his nose, and carried a satchel and few extra books.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Scaddle, make fun of the name, I'll make fun of you." 

Peter stifled a laugh, this teacher was funny without even trying.

"I want everyone to stand and say their names and one fact about them, we will go around the room."

Peter got his phone ready, so he could use the speech app.

He heard everyone give their names and some boring fact about themselves that no one cares about, then it was Ned's turn.

"My names Ned, and I know sign language." Ned sat down and Peter stood.

He quickly typed what he was going to say and was about to hit the ok button.

"Hey, no phones in class." Mr. Scaddle said.

Peter looked at Ned before he typed something different.

"Young man what did I just-"

"I don't have the ability to speak, sir. I'm allowed to have my phone out for this purpose." A robotic voice stated, Peter named it Ari.

This is why Peter hates new teachers.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry. What's your name?"

"Peter Parker." Ari informed him.

Peter sat down, the rest of class went on normally.

The rest of the day was pretty boring too.

When the last bell of the day rung, he took his time getting to his locker and getting his stuff. He didn't want to go home, home was not safe.

Peter decided to walk around a bit, delaying the time to go home.

Irondad and Spiderson // One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu