Wish You Were Gay

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Take some fukin spideypool in a very badly written story 😤

Baby, I don't feel so good
Six words you never understood

Wade feels fine, health wise at least. But he's hurting inside, he doesn't feel good at all.

I'll never let you go
Five words you never say

Peter always said he'd never leave him.

But not in the way Wade desires.

I laugh alone like nothing's wrong
Four days has never felt so long

He was planning to tell Peter in four days.

And those four days felt like four centuries.

If three's a crowd and two was us
One slipped away

Wade and Peter were always close.

But Wade was the only one that felt a gap between them

I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way

Peter of course never ignores Wade, but he doesn't see Wade, the way Wade see's Peter.

I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay

Sometimes it just gets to much that he can't be around Peter.

That he has to step out for a minute and collect himself.

I just kinda wish you were gay

Wade loves Peter. More than a friend. More than best friend.

More than anything else in this world.

Is there a reason we're not through?
Is there a 12 step just for you?

Wade has made every move, every single thing that he's done to drive people crazy.

But those moves don't work on Peter.

Our conversation's all in blue
11 'Heys'

When Wade texts Peter, it always starts out with a simple 'hey'. But when Peter responds, Wade's mind freezes.

So, he texts 'hey' back turning it into some kind of game before Peter actually starts a conversation.

Ten fingers tearing out my hair
Nine times you never made it there

Wade always had breakdowns about the subject, Peter only being present during one of them by accident.

I ate alone at 7, you were six minutes away

Wade could always ask Peter if he wants to go to lunch with him.

But Wade is a scaredy-cat and was afraid of Peter's reaction.

Which he knew would be a yes and Peter wouldn't think any more of it.

But still.

How am I supposed to make you feel okay
When all you do is walk the other way?

How can Wade show that he likes Peter.

Nothing works.

Well none of his classic moves work.

I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay

Damn he just gets so queasy around Peter, it gets hard to breathe.

I just kinda wish you were gay

But Peter is a straight dude.

And Wade is a gay dude.

It just doesn't work.

To spare my pride
To give your lack of interest an explanation
Don't say I'm not your type
Just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation

Even though Wade will still be crushed, it would just be better if Peter just said he was straight.

For some reason, Wade thinks that's just a little bit better.

I'm so selfish
But you make me feel helpless, yeah

Everytime he see's Peter his breath gets taken away and it's hard for him to stand straight.

Because damn he's fine.

And I can't stand another day
Stand another day

The day for Wade to tell Peter was so close Wade felt like throwing up.

I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way

What if Peter can't even look at Wade ever again.

What if he doesn't even want to be near Wade again.

Would that ruin their friendship?

I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay

The day for Wade to tell Peter how he felt was here.

And he sure as hell was scared.

I just kinda wish you were gay

"Hey Peter, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" Peter smiled at him.

Damn that smile.

I just kinda wish you were gay

"Like you know I'm, I'm gay. And I, um, like you. " Wade said.

"More than a friend." He hurriedly added.

I just kinda wish you were gay

To Wade's surprise Peter had a look of relief on his face.

"Okay that makes me feel so much more comfortable."

Wade looked absolutely dumbfounded. "Um, w-what"

"Oh, I like you too." Peter said shyly, giving Wade a nervous giggle.

"So can we be a thing now or am I going to have to live in pain for the rest of my life knowing my baby boy doesn't like me back?"

Peter rolled his eyes, leaning up to give Wade a peck on the lips.

"That's not a verbal answer but I'll take it."

Wade is 17 calm yo selves.

Lmao I'm to lazy to keep typing.

Love you Cucumbers 😤❤

🥒 "oH mEh GoD, iTs A sAlTy CuCuMbEr"

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