You Will Be Remembered

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TW: suicide, mentioned rape, aboose (abuse) and bullying

My lazy ass doesn't feel like editing so this is unedited.

Peter took a deep breath.

He didn’t want to go home.

To that apartment.

“Hey dude, you okay?” Peter looked over at Ned, putting on his best fake smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking of what I’ll do later.”

Ned smiled, “Yeah, ‘cause you totally don't have any plans, am I right.” Ned nugged him with his elbow.

Peter rolled his eyes, and got up as the last bell of the day rang. He and Ned got everything they needed form their lockers, and went out of the school building,

“Hey, you want me to ask my mom if you can come over this weekend?” Ned asked. Peter looked at him, and fake smiled again, “Yeah, thanks man.”

“Okay I’ll call you later.”

Peter made his way towards the apartment, he could go out later.

Peter opened his apartment door and walked in. May was still at work, seeing she works more now.

“Got any homework kid?”

Peter silently nodded his head. “Sit.”

Peter went to the table and sat down, pulling out his Math homework, and starting on it.

“Get me a beer.”

Peter put his pencil down, and got the man a beer from the fridge. He handed it to May’s boyfriend, and sat back down.

“Hurry up and finish, I’m hungry.”

“You can do better.”

“Brat, hurry up.”

After an hour Peter was finished. He put his homework up, and put his bookbag in his room.

“Get in here and make me something to eat.”

Peter sighed, closing his door and going to the kitchen.

Peter made the man his food, putting it on a plate and setting it down in front of him. Peter headed to his room.

Peter waited a few minutes, then picked up his suit.

Then, he heard the sound of a beer bottle being thrown. Peter shoved his suit into its hiding place, and locking his door.

Peter sat in the corner, waiting for the banging on his door to fade.

Eventually it did, but the door was opened, and the man came in. He threw the key on the floor, and advanced in on Peter.

Peter, curled in a ball, watched as the man left. He trudged back to his room, and sat at his desk.

Then pulled out a piece of paper.


Just breathe

Let the air in


And you’ll be fine

Just breathe

All I have to do is breathe

Then everything will be fine

Take a deep breath

Control my breath

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