Chapter Fifteen

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"What's your name?" He glared at me in shock.

"What does that matter?" I spat out with far more courage than I had.

"I'll let that slide, pup, because you don't understand. However," His hand shot out and grasped my neck, "I'm the Alpha here. I make the rules, and you follow them. You do what I say, and you answer my questions."

He applied enough pressure to hurt, but not enough to cut off all air supply. With a gasping breath, the first name I thought of rushed to the surface," Lauren White."


"I was." One of my hands grasped his thick forearm to try and release his hold.

"Then why...Miss.White, are your eyes showing otherwise?" He asked darkly, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

Let me loose, Bran. Terra begged.

"I don't know." I hissed.

"Strays don't fall into the alpha position; they immediately give allegiance to the one that bit them. What are you?"

"I'm nothing, please, just let us go."

He ripped his hand away, and I clutched my neck, heaving and coughing noisily.

"Enough of this, you will submit." He nodded to the others, and they began to stalk forward.

BRAN, RUN! My body was flung forwards as I took off further away from the barn, trying to escape the wolves. I hear growls from behind, and sticks snapping under clumsy feet as I leaped and jumped over loose rocks.

"Let's see how far you can run, little wolf." Another voice growled close behind.

You can't fight them on your own, please let me out. Terra begged.

But you'll kill them! I was terrified, but I couldn't let her make me a killer. Not for these low-lives.

I saw a hollow trunk, and I scrambled under after darting under a large cluster of leaves and bushes. The space was barely enough for me to breathe, and as I gasped, my chest hit the hollow wood.

"You hear that, Delta?" the large one shifted his feet as he stopped just next to the tree.

"I can hear her breaths, and smell her fear." He drawled.

A claw dug into a tiny hole at the top of the trunk, ripping through the wood as if it was paper. I squeaked and shifted further back.

I saw him through another hole reaching to tear the trunk open, but then he paused. A grin crept across his lips.

"Listen, stray. Listen to the howls."

And then he shifted. My eyes widened in horror as I saw it from an outsider's perspective. It was as if his flesh was ripped open, like the wolf was hidden there all along. His wolf was huge, a hulking grey mass with patches of fur missing. Drool dripped from his yellow teeth as he snarled just inches from my face.

It was then his words sank in. Howls. First him, then the rest of the pack that stayed in the clearing. Then, two more, ones that sunk into my heart as I could almost hear their voices calling for me. My vision swam with tears.

"First we'll break you, like we broke that boy's skull open, and then you can watch as we get those two dogs that made the mistake to follow you." The one called 'Delta' said as the change swept over him.

My boys, my pack.

I couldn't let that happen.

Terra, help me!

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now