C~71: Together But Kept Apart

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As the last of the Newborns join the crowd at the bottom of the staircase Caius emerges on the landing "This yearly ball has always been a tradition, but tonight is a real treat for when the Blood Moon in the sky reaches its peak the sacrifice, made by myself, shall be repaid." he starts and begins to walk down the steps.

"Further on, till then, I invite all to join in the night's final dance!" he shouts, waving his hand out and the candles dim, leaving the night to illuminate the room.

Eve and Maria look to each other, "Now or never." Maria says Eve nods, "Let's go." she says as they begin walking towards the door until they spot one of the guards by it "Shit Jane." whispers Eve.

Looking back across the room, Maria points to the staircase. "Up the stairs and to the left we can jump out the window." she revels as guests get in a form to dance the final dance. "Okay, how do we get across?" asks Eve.

Maria shrugs, pulling her into the inner circle, "Dance."


"Whitman? What are you doing?" ask Skye as Whitman leads her to face him in the inner circle "Quickest way to find mom, talk to anyone."

"And watch out for our family," states Major, who stands beside his twin Seth across from him. "And if we do run into them?" asks Seth, Whitman shrugs, "Pray."

"Are we praying we don't run into Caius or your family?" asks Skye.

"All of them!" states Major.

He's silenced by the music starting and the dance beginning, each pairing off for about a minute before moving to the left, switching to a new partner. Major hesitantly dances with Skye while Seth and Whitman are stuck with strangers, and so the dance goes on.


Esme smiles as Jasper spins her before they bow to each other "My son, a dancer." she exclaims before stepping to the side where Rosalie takes her place, and they begin again "Any sign of them?" asks Jasper, tipping his hat up to look around the room.


"And Eve-"

"Jasper, everyone is wearing a mask, just ask," she says, and the partners switch once again.


"How many more?" whispers Eve getting tried; Maria takes a breath as the partners switch once again. "On this next one make up an excuse and run," she states. The two look over at each other "We're sure all the guards are in this room?"

"Won't know until we get there, have nothing to lose, right?"

"Right, see you on the other side." Maria finishes as they step up to their next partners.

Maria takes the man's hands most likely from the same era as her, dressed in a major's uniform. Their eyes meet, and something clicks "Hello." speaks the man, Maria doesn't talk just wanting to get to the staircase behind him "I'm sorry, do I know you?" he finishes.

"Probably not, me and my friend must be going," she states quickly.

Meanwhile, Eve faces a man dressed in the same clothing style as Caius, peering at the stairs behind him she takes a breath "Do you need to be leaving soon?" asks the feathery voice of the man with black hair in front of her.

Eve nods as she takes her hand away from his, contacts only lasting a second before moving past him. The man stares at where she was, his eyes widening "Evangeline." he states in his Italian accent.

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