C~19: Rocky Climb

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I look at the needle my stomach beginning to turn "You sure about this?" I question Jasper, he stiffly nods as if preparing himself "Yeah, come on mark the path. Bella already went up the mountain with Jacob and Edward."

"Promise you're not gonna freak out."

"Well stop holding out," he demands, I take a breath and close my eyes tightly as I prick my finger. I watch as a droplet of blood pools on my finger and then pan to Jasper. His shoulders heave up and down as he takes in the scent "I'm good." he states.

I nod my worried eyes not really leaving his figure, I smear some blood on the first tree before moving to the next. Jasper hadn't moved "Jasper?"

"I'll stay here, call out for me when you reach the field." he commands, I nod and continue on my way. I didn't want Jasper to be uncomfortable so I skip a few trees making it to the field faster then expected.

The sun basks dances of the green grass, some flowers were even sprouting and to think twomarrow it might be stained. I look up at the mountain and gulp at the thought of spending a whole night up there.

How am I even supposed to get up there without passing out or throwing up!

"You skipped some."

I turn around where Jasper was standing in the treeline arms crossed "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

He storms forward holding my finger up "Hell with that, there needs to be enough to lead the newborns here."

"But if it's making you miserable-"

"Who cares about me!" he yells. I look at this face contorted in annoyance and frustration, but in the sunlight his skin sparkled like the stars. I pull my hand away taking a bandaid out of my pocket bandaging up the prick before shoving the finger back in his face "You see this! I care! That's why I do this Jasper! Can we go home now?"


I roll my eyes pointing to the mountain "You think I'm climbing up that myself!"

Jasper chuckles "No...because I'm gonna carry you."


"I thought you left a trail?"

"If your feet touch the ground you leave one to, but if I carry you your scent can mask mine." he explains walking over causing me to take a step back, I look back to the mountain "I still think I'm gonna throw up."

Jasper sighs before ripping on a piece of his sleeve "Hold still." he say marching over and turning me around and placing it over my eyes, I feel a tug at the back of my head "Are you good?"

"I can't see."

"That's the point." Jasper remarks, I feel my feet leave the ground and grab onto Jasper's shoulders. He held me bridal style, arm hooked under my legs and the other around my back or waist while I looped my arms around his neck.

"Hold on tight."

"I can't tell if you're smiling or not." I say earning a laugh from him and a second later the wind whips at my skin and I hold on tighter. To be honest the blindfold was helping a lot, I knew I was being rushed up a mountain but I could only imagian.

That's not even the best part, Jasper was freakin carrying me!

It completely blocks out the fact that the next morning a bunch of vampires will be wanting to eat me, for my blood, I could die. 

Maybe I should have put more blood.

Or trained harder with the pack.

I should have made a choice on collage.

The speed, the rush, my stomach began churning on itself. 

Oh god!


He dose on a dime and I jump down ripping off the blind and darting behind a tree. I gag for a bit before throwing up completely. I was left with the bitter taste as my up chuck got absorbed into the earth.

I lean back running a hand through my hair as Jasper hauls me up holding my arms "Jasper stop shaking me." I plead, he was looking me over frantically "You just threw up! I!...I'm sorry."

"No more running, please, I just wanna think." I say pushing myself away and beginning to walk up not paying attention to the fact of being on the mountain. I hear foot steps beside me and turn away from Jasper.

"Did I do something?" he ask.

"No." I say rubbing my arms trying to warm myself as the green turns to white.

"Did I say something?"

"No!" I shout moving my pace faster.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Jasper it's me!" I shout at him, I stare downward stoping "I should have done more and then tomorrow...I'm gonna die."

"I'm not gonna let you die." states Jasper.

"And you know this how?" I propose gazing at him. He lets out a breath and holds my shoulders"Becuase they have to go through me first." 

He was willing to fight them for my safety. 


His face falls, clearly that wasn't the reaction he was expecting. I shove him off of me "Don't throw away your life, your family, for some washed up piece of shit!" I scream and begin to my hike once more.

I wasn't going to let him do that.

"I threw away my life when I offered Maria my help." states Jasper. I feel a tug on my shoulder and he turns me around to face him "My family can't disappear I won't let them, and you, never say that about yourself."

"It's myself, I can say what ever I want."

"Well you're not shit! That I know."

"What do you know Jasper because I know that today could be my last." I fight, he squeezes my upper arms "E...I know everything about you...your favorite color is a dark shade of purple." he starts, I look down at my pants "Fairly obvious and simple anyone could guess-"

"Your favorite flowers are Triteleia and your favorite food are blueberry."

"Those are things I've told you!-"

"You keep a replica of ever set of keys in the hidden pocket on the inside of sweater in case you need a place to hide or quick get away." he states.


How did he know that? I reach up and vilonlty shake my sweater hearing a faint jingle, at least they were still there? I sigh nodding "Okay you got me there, food, flowers, secret keys anything else?"

"Well lets see you are 90% clever, 54% stubborn, 89% spontaneous, and 100% wonderful..." he drags out. Stifling a laugh I shake my head "Ass kisser." I name.


For a man who should be registered as a weapon, he sure is a gentleman one of the things I love about him. I wanted to be the one defending the own life that would be the most honorable, even if it was the most terrifying thing I would ever go through.

I rub my arms shining, Jasper sees this and engulfs me in an embrace "I can't do that much, I'm sorry." he says. I brush it off because he was warm to be, I don't know how but he was warm "Jasper. You're warm, so it's fine."

After a couple of seconds Jasper, with an arm around me, continues to take us up the mountain. One night and then he would be gone the next morning.

I don't have the words to tell him, I don't know the words.

I can't say anything because I'm just a friend so I'll remain speechless so that he can be happy with the girl he'll end up loving.

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