C~35: Stupid Phone Calls

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"I found a pair," I call. Jasper peaks back out from around the corner. "Come again?"

"I found a pair that fit," I repeat, swinging my legs onto the bench, today Jasper took us to town and wanted us to get a pair of ice skates. Jasper walks over, holding a bag in which lay his own skates he already paid for.

He sits down next to me and takes my foot in hand "Can you move your ankle?"

"A little."

"Your toes?"


"Too big," he states, standing and pulling out another box while I untie my skates. Jasper slips another pair of my feet and feels my toes and ankle. "See no wiggle room; we don't want you twisting anything," he explains, replacing the skates with my regular shoes.

I take his hands standing, and he takes my arm, leading us out of the store and down the stone streets of the snowy day. Jasper leads us over to a seating area outside a cafe where we both sit. A waiter comes over, and the only thing I got was a hot chocolate from how cold it was.

Glancing across, I see Jasper smirking, "What?" I start, he leans forward, "You and I have been to a cafe twice, and you order the same thing. It's a funny little coincidence." he chuckles, I lean forward and breath out, my hot breath turning into a frozen mist due to the temperature that hits Jasper in the face.

His eyes close and his mouth gawks open, struggling to hold in my laughter. I lean back once again "You are..." he begins shaking his head.

"Divine?" I ask.

"Well, you already said it, so now I'm gonna say unbearable," he exclaims. My laugh turns auditorial, and Jasper rolls his eyes scooting his chair closer. "Listen," he states, gripping my hand. "If we were to do a movie night tonight, what would you want to watch?"

I smirk, "What would you prefer?"

"You make things so difficult."

"And when was the last time you watched a movie?"

Jasper sighs, clicking his tongue "Fair point."

Okay, I'll stop messing with him "There's Back To The Future movies. Mr. And Mrs. Smith. Titanic or The Princess Bride." I list, Jasper's eyebrows quirk in curiosity "I haven't seen that one."

"Princess Bride or Titanic?"

"Alice made us all watch the Titanic, don't think I've seen The Princess Bride."

"You would like it. Full of giants, a hellbent Spaniard, a pirate who wants to save his love before she's married to a shit prince." I speak as my drink is placed in front of me, I pick it up and blow to steam in Jasper's face "Stop doing that."

I stick my tongue out at Jasper, causing him to scoop me up from my own chair, giggling, and moves me to share his chair with him "Are you gonna stop now?"


Feeling his hands move to tickle my sides, I burst out laughing, "How about now?"

"Fine!" I yell as Jasper nuzzles his face into my hair "You smell so good."

"You're the only one who can smell me," I whisper, but that has been a mystery ever since that morning, Jasper's always been able to smell me from near or far. Some things still are left a secret, my smell around others and how powers only seem to work when you first met me.

I'm not like Bella because Jasper was able to use his powers when we first met. He was able to get the truth out of me quickly, but now if he asks, I would tell him anything. Jasper softly smiles, moving a stray strand of hair behind my ear, "You alright?"

Scared By TwilightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora