C~53: Night Before A War

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Nailing down the last peg of my tent, I stand wiping the sweat from my brow and toss the hammer back into the bag.

The team wanted to get here early so we could set up tents, and to think just a mile away tomorrow, we would be facing the Volturi. Looking up, Tana and Warren roll the final log into place before slumping over it. "Bet the others could get this done in five minutes," states Warren.

Tana smiles. "It's our chance to show em' how strong we really are," she says, Warren rolls his eyes, moving off, leaving Tana and me to giggle. She sits down on the log, but she seems to have a downcast look.

Sitting next to her, I ask, "Hey, are you alright?"

Knowing I wasn't gonna give up, Tana sighs, "I've just been trying to call Alice for awhile...I've gotten nothing."

I almost forgot Tana had a thing for Alice, man when they danced at the wedding. I've never seen Alice happier, "Alice said she would return by the time the snow sticks to the ground." I explain.

Tana motions a hand out to the white wonderland around us. "It's sticking!... I just regret not asking her out when I had the chance." she expresses, she really was upset about this "I have a feeling Alice is closer than you think." I try to reassure.

Tana breathes, biting her lip. "Maybe...What about you? You want to have a boy or a girl?"

Oh, not her too! Wait till Alice finds out, then I'm really in for it, "Can't I just love them."

"You're gonna have to name them."

"I'll do that when I give birth."

"Think about it, the first half vampire half spirit child." states Tana in wonder, right, I kind of forgot, "Well, how different can it be from Renesmee, I mean we're not that different from humans minus the magic."

"Don't forget that the kids using the same magic to protect themselves and you."

Never understood that, if I loved Jasper, wouldn't my child trust my judgment "It makes no sense, we trust everyone here, so why are they hiding?"

"If Renesmee understood love while inside of Bella, then maybe they know about Aro and are trying to keep you out of trouble," suggest Tana, the idea was possible. Tana looks down at my stomach "Your moms an idiot, so keep up the work."

Bursting out laughing, I turn to the sky, just a white blanket coating us, shielding us, a battle the world will never know, and one they don't need to.

Pretty soon, that white sky disappeared, being replaced with a dark blue night. Everyone started showing up as well, even Jacob, who was happy, surprised, but understanding.

As the snow is falling, Jacob brings some wood and drops it on the ground, then Benjamin uses his powers to produce fire from his fingertips and throws it on the woods to start a fire. Jacob sits on the log "That's what I'm talkin' about. A little pre-battle bonfire. Telling war stories."

Benjamin sits next to him, they look across the fire and see the other vampires standing "Or just standing there like frickin' statues." he finishes, everyone's gazes then turn to us as we sit a little bit away.

"E, come and join us," says Jacob.

Warren shakes his head "The fire takes up too much Oxygen."

"And it blocks out the moon's light. If we're heading into a fight tomorrow, we need to have our full strength," explains Hayden, but wait. "Here, put out the fire and let Tana use her fire. It won't hurt us that way." I teach.

Hayden and Warren stand, hand and hand, walking over and sitting next to each other, cuddling. Tana and I sit as Benjamin moves the water from the melted snow and puts out his fire allowing Tana to light her own.

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