C~62: New Friends

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And there was set in motion once everyone left the next morning the boys snuck away and left a note saying they were getting mom back.

Major was utterly confused as to where Whitman was going; he said he knew someone who could drive. The brother was even more confused when Whitman took him to the library, "What are we doing here?"

Whitman turns around, "Taking us to someone who I know can drive." he states, opening the door, Major groans walking and his eyes widen. Rows and rows of books! The brother gages which it was Whitman's turn to groan it. "Come on, follow me! And stay quite!"

Walking down a specific aisle Major sulks behind his twin "So you know a human?" he whispers, Whitman shakes his head "I've known her two weeks, but she's nice." he vouches.

"Hope you're not talking about me."

Whitman and Major jump back, turning to the shelf next to them, three books were pulled out, and in there, the place was a face. Pulling back the female laughs, Whitman chuckles along with her "Real funny Skye."

"Just keepin' it real," she answers, walking around to their aisle, Major's jaw drops to the floor upon seeing her. Skye was a girl with dyed black hair that faded into purple and blue streaks, she wears a plain jacket with jeans using a chain for a belt, her eyes a deep grey.

Didn't seem like the type who hung out in libraries, but you never know, "Okay, when did you beat up my brother because that's the only expiration for you to know...him." exclaims Major. Skye chuckles, "Your twins Whit. Met Whit two weeks ago, helped me with my homework, and he's been helping me study since. But considering the timing, what do you need, Whit?" she asks.

Whitman gulps, trying to find something to say, the rule was to stay away from humans, but Skye was really the first friendly human to him "We need you to drive us to Seattle."

"Why?" she asks, looking at her rainbow-colored nails.

"We have to meet a friend of our dads."

She looks up at them and Major looks at her "Don't I know you from somewhere?" he asks, Skye giggle "I think you would have remembered me, I tend to make that impression. Wait outside, and I'll bring my car around." she says, walking off.

Sighing Whitman walks out the door, "Wait, where got gonna talk out it?" asks Major, rushing out after him. "Talk about what?"

"How do you! Whitman! Get to know her?"

"Because I'm kind and considerate?"

"So, this is what you do at the library, wait around to talk to her."

"Speaking of which I've been waiting around for you."

The boys jump again upon Seth sneaking up on them, arms crossed "I was at our spot, why did you come?" he asks, Major snaps pointing at Seth "Funny thing something came up..." he trails. Getting the hint, Seth sighs, "You're going after E."

Whitman and Major look at each other before laugh "No, no, no!"

Then turn back to Seth's face; he wasn't buying it. "Okay yeah, we are."

"Are you stupid?" asks Seth, Major shrugs, "Maybe, but it's my mom, we know where she is, and we can let anyone else in our family get hurt because of what we are."

Seth nods, "Great, I'll come with you!"

"What?" both twins exclaim; Seth nods, biting his lip not meeting Major's eyes "I can't leave you alone, you'd cause trouble." he arrests. Whitman looks between the two, clearing his throat, Seth looks to him "So just us or we got a team?"

Major shakes his head pointing, "It's you, me, Whitman, and-" he's cut off by a sound honking, they look to the street where a green Ferrari pulls up in front of the building. Skye sticks her head out, "Come on bitches! Let's go!" she shouts.

Seth's eyes widen and Major points, "Oh yeah and crazy over there!" he finishes looking at Whitman, Seth looks to him to "What? She's a good friend, let's go." he states, walking down the steps.

Major nods. "We're so dead...after you?" he asks Seth, who chuckles, "Why not."

The two pile into the backseat of the car, and Skye takes off down the road. Major leans forward, "So Skye, how old are you?"

"Um...fifteen, like you guys."

"Oh, I get it; you know how to drive because you have a learner permit," realizes Seth. Skye shakes her head, turning a corner onto the highway, "Nope."

Major and Seth's brows quirk in "No permit...and you're driving freely? In Washington State, you get a full license at 18, and you don't even have a permit? You do know that illegal!" bellows Seth. Skye nods. "Yeah, I know."

"Great job Whitman, now thanks to your friend, we can go to jail!" shouts Major.

"Shut up! I know what I'm doing, been doing this for years...so where are we meeting your dad's friend?"

"A restaurant close to the airport," explains Whitman looking at his phone. Seth smirks, leaning forward as well. "The airport, huh? Do you care that you're gonna be driving all the way out there?" tries Seth, he knew he was trying to scare her, but she grins "Airport! Are we going somewhere?" she asks.

This caught the two in the back off guard, won't her parents be worried, "No, you're not coming with us." states Major.

"Say that all you want, but whatever it is, you guys got yourselves into count me in!" she shouts, the boys all send each other a look. Things got more complicated, they had to they're mom back and keep Skye in the nosebleeds about the world she really lives in.

No matter what comes of this, she can't know their secret.


Eveanline's P.O.V

Oh, my head!

Please tell me I'm in the hospital, and when I open my eyes, Carlisle's gonna be happy I'm alive, and then Jasper's gonna kiss me. Fluttering my lashes, I don't see a blinding light, semi-comfortable hospital bed, and no Jasper.

Instead, a cold stone floor of a small but long room with four long windows. Placing my hands underneath me so I could push myself up, I notice shackles that bounded my hands together, stretching over and around a chain on the wall altogether the chain was maybe 4 or 5 feet.

It was also clearly night. Sitting on my knees, I look at the chains and pull.

They were strong, but they still should have broke? I look to my hands before pulling again, nothing. My stomach turns on itself, and I run my tongue over my teeth, feeling my fangs appear; I'm starving, and my strength is gone because I haven't hunted.

A stone panel on the floor opens up, revealing a staircase and a woman walking up it.

She wore a blouse and jeans, her black hair color, and her eyes red "Hungry?" she speaks in an accent, one that makes every word drip with seductiveness. "I know I would be if I hadn't hunted for a week and a half. I would lose my strength, of course, normal chains I would break from, but these are not normal chains, are they?"

"Where you the one who crashed me?" I ask bluntly, I wasn't taking any bullshit, I was hungry, annoyed, and pissed. She smiles, "Guilty, but the starving you so you couldn't run was my employer's idea."

She knows I haven't hunted, so she must have been stalking me, but for me not to smell her, she must have done it from a distance "Employer?"

Kneeling down, she holds a finger to my lips. "Shh, don't worry, he doesn't plan on killing you...yet. In fact, he wants to catch up."

Someone, I know?

The woman stands and begins walking back to the door. "Breakfast will come once the sun rises, so get comfortable; it's not like you're going anywhere," she says, taking a chain to close the trap door behind her.

"Do I at least get the name of my kidnapper." I play, the woman stops, looks back and grins, showing her smile.


...oh shit.

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