C~56: A Bite To Last

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No One's P.O.V

Eve's head falls back unmoving, Jasper paniced shakes her lightly "Eve? Darlin?"

"She's gone into shock," states Carlisle, Rose kneels down "What about the baby?" she asks in a rushed tone. Carlisle bites his lip "We'd have to do this back at the house, but it's still to earlier the babies haven't fully developed either way they're dead."

"They might not be." state Warren he stands holding Hayden's body, Peter then appears next to him as well as Alice and Tana rushing over "We could perform a time incantation and speed up they're growth although we'll need Jade."

Peter nods, "I can get us back to the house, and then I can get her here."

"What about Caius?" asks Emmett.

"They've retreated." states Aro walking over to the group, Jasper's grip on Eve tightens "We'll clean up the mess here and tell you everything we know, but you should leave," he suggests. Carlisle nods. "Thank you, Peter come over here," he orders.

Peter kneels down, and everyone tries there best to grab hold of him. A second later, they all appear in Carlisle's office. Jasper picks up Eve setting her down on the table, Carlisle quickly puts on gloves and turns to everyone "I'm gonna need all hands on deck but if you don't think you can control yourself then help run a perimeter. We know Caius left that sight, but we don't know where he went."

Everyone nods and moves, deciding what would be best for them and the situation.

Carlisle picks up a scalpel before turning to Jasper, "Are you sure?"

Jasper nods "What do I have to do?" he asks, Carlisle sighs not liking the options "Get Rose and Edward they helped with Bella's birth." he commands, Jasper nods his eyes lingering on Eve before rushing off.

Meanwhile, Peter, Tana, and Warren appear in The Grove, getting everyone's attention, everyone knew the mission they were on and began crowding them to ask questions. Tana pushes people aside, moving through the sea of Spirits.

The three rush to the medical cabin after which entering they see Jade walking to the front desk "JADE JADE JADE!!!" each shouts at different times getting her attention "Guys?" she starts, Peter pants leaning over the front desk.

Warren pushes him to the side. "Okay, so Caius was the one sending the vampires to The Grove, so we kind of broke the Volturi." he starts, Tana nods. "Then Caius attacked splitting us up, something happened to Hayden, and he bit E!"

"She went...into shock...have a plan...to save baby...but need you." pants Peter tried from all the teleporting. Jade's eyes widen, and she drops her clipboard. "Jade?" starts Warren before he can ask; she rushes in, grabbing her bag and holding onto Peter.

Peter rolls his eyes, and with the last ounce of strength he has brought them inside the living room of the Cullen's house, Peter flops on the couch wholly put out of it while Jade sets her bag on the table taking out a book.

"Um, hello?" asks Bella, Jade takes a breath to calm herself, turning around, "Hello, I'm Jade."

"Will you help?" ask Esme, she nods "As best I can. Where are they in taking the baby out?"

And right on cue Edward opens the door "Carlisle put them in the incubator, but you're not gonna belive-"

"I'm sorry, sir, but there is no time, roll the incubator out here. Peter get off your ass and get over here!" orders Jade opening up to a particular page of her book, Tana's foot taps on the should until she feels a hand on her shoulder and turns to Alice who smiles "You got this."

Warren stares at Hayden's body before moving to stand with Jade, "What about Hayden."

"I'll check him out after we perform the incantation. No vampires can be in the room. I need you all to wait outside." commands Jade, Bella scowls, "Why?"

"The incantation will be more powerful if our self-defense it's acting up. We evolved as a kind to develop these defenses during the wars, it's why you can't smell us nearby, and our blood can fight off your venom for a bit." Jade explains.

Esme puts a hand on Bella and Alice's shoulders, walking them outside with the others who Peter brought back beforehand.

Edward opens the door rolling out a machine, Jade takes it rolling it to the center of the room before asking Edward to leave as well. Jade holds out her hands, Warren takes it connecting with Peter, who connects with Tana.

They all look at each other "Will this work?" ask Tana, Jade nods "We can only hope.


Carlisle wipes his brow, throwing his bloody gloves into the fireplace.

Eve's stomach was cut up in many different ways, and Jasper hung back, not wanting to look at the sight. He heads to the door "I don't want to hurt her while you take the venom out and stitch her up." he states.

Carlisle freezes, looking to her monitor the beeping getting dangerously high "Jasper, there's not gonna be enough time to take out the venom, stop the internal bleeding, and stitch her up." he admits with a grave expression.

Jasper's hand stops above the door nob looking back at Eve "...No." he starts.

"It's the only way," states Carlisle as Jasper shakes his head, walking back over. "She doesn't want this!"

"But we can't lose her."

Jasper bites hie lip just staring, Eve practically just discovered what she is, would turning her take that away? Carlisle walks over putting a hand on his shoulder "She said yes to marrying you, I don't think she would have if she didn't know at some point this would happen, Eve's not that type of person. She wouldn't turn because she would want to, but so that you wouldn't have to live an immortal life alone."

Carlisle spoke valid words, Eve knew that the day might come where she might make a grave mistake she just regrets it coming so soon. Carlisle moves to the door. "I hate giving this choice to you, but it's not my place to make this decision."

Leaving Jasper alone, he just gazes, the beeping was getting louder, and Jasper knew that if he couldn't save her as a human or spirit, he could as an immortal. Caius already injected a lot of venom into her, but Jasper went to finish the job.

He leans over her piercing her neck for a couple of seconds before pulling out and moving down her body, biting wherever he can. Lifting his head, he wipes his lips as the monitor goes flat. Jasper hangs his head in a pray.

"Please, please come back. I need you, Darlin'...please."

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