C~31: Unexpected Pick Up

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The morning hung a cloudy sky just like back in Forks.

I pull the blanket closer around me as adults rush around, the fire only spread from the dining hall to the stage and was put out by three am. It was maybe eight now, and I woke up about an hour ago.

My burns were wrapped, and I was giving a blanket told to wait for questioning, actually when Tana woke up her, Peter, Hayden, and I was told to wait. All of us had smudges of ash all over us and smelled like a forest fire.

We also explained what happened that our car broke down, and then we were attacked by a wild animal, but of course, I knew better. Red eyes, and if it was the same person from the bathroom, they had blonde hair.

Maybe it was just an immortal looking to feed, but if it wasn't a coincidence, could it have been Jane?

But I'd say the worse part of the morning so far was finding out we're all getting sent home today instead of next week, the authorities couldn't take the risk with a fire and a killer creature on the loose.

"We fucked up." states Peter; I nod, "Oh yeah, big time."

Mr. Meledy walks up to us and holds out a phone to Tana; she takes it and begins talking, "Yeah, I'm okay...Well since camps ending earlier I'm gonna stay in Forks with my band for our friend's wedding and then I'll come back...yeah...K...Bye." she says and hands the phone back, looking to us, "Mind if I catch a ride with one of you?"

Peter shrugs, "My mom said she was coming in an hour, she's really nice if you want to come back with us."

I look at the ground, "Probably a good idea, it's just gonna be family drama in my car."

"Yeah, my older brothers picking me up and dropping me off in Forks because he lives closest," Hayden explains, raising a chuckle from us all, at least our stuff was packed for us because we were in the fire.

I watch as other kids meet up with there parents, all hugging and crying, asking if they were hurt. Even the cops were walking around talking to others. I breathe out, staring at the grass, closing my eyes.

My life can't be normal.

There's no such thing.

At least I got to meet my hero and made fun memories.

"Please let me through!" exclaims a familiar voice.

"Sir, please, we're gonna have to ask you to step back."

Hayden taps on my shoulder "Hey E, I don't know about the family drama because um...is that Jasper?"

Widening my eyes, I look up, "What?"

"Please, my girlfriend goes here. I just need to see she's okay," explains Jasper to the police, oh my god, he really was here, and he looked worried as fucked. I stand shaking off my blanket and walk over to Mr. Meledy. "Sir, my boyfriends here, my I go speak to him?"

He nods, "Of course, but if you're gonna leave, you have to check out with me first, okay?"

"Yes, sir, thank you." I thank briefly and turn back to where my concentration was drawn, walking towards him. I call his and the cop's attention to me, "Jasper!"

He stares at me, shaking the cops off of him before dashing forward. Meeting him I throw my arms around him, holding him tightly, he coils one arm around my back and the other in my hair "God Eve!"

We pull away and look up each other, he raises a hand to my cheek, wiping some smudge off "How are you here?" I ask he gives me a heavy smile. "Alice saw the gas leak, and you go into the woods, then she saw you go in after Tana. Then the news starts pouring about it, I ran up here about an hour ago and rented a car to take back," he explains, eyes scanning every inch of me, I take his hand off my cheek holding it.

"Jasper, we need to talk."

Stating this, he turns more concerned. "About?"

"...Call me crazy maybe she didn't attack us, but she had stalked me, Jasper I think Jane was at the concert-"

"You two okay?" asks Mr. Meledy walking up, Jasper and I both shut up and nod, "Yes sir, I'm just gonna take Eve home," Jasper explains. Checking off something on his clipboard, Mr. Meledy nods, "You're all set; we hope to see you again next year."

With that, I quickly wave goodbye to the band, and we pack up my stuff into the car. Jasper drives while I try to get my thoughts together, I really don't want to believe what I saw but what else was the explanation supposed to be.

"What happened?" Jasper begins, I start to talk until he sends me a look "In detail."

Gez, I take a breath. "I went to the restroom before the show, while washing my hands; there was a flash, red eyes, and blonde hair. Then on the way back..." coming to hold, I look out the window, passing our van from last night.

"There! Jasper stop the car." I order, he backs up parking behind the van. We both get out, and I kneel down-pointing underneath. "We ran out of gas because the tank had been punched by two small holes."

Jasper puts his hands on his waist, "Okay. Then Alice saw you all go into the woods."

"Yeah, we spotted a deer, took a couple more steps, heard a noise, and the deer was gone. I went over and found blood from there we ran inside the dining hall and that thing was banging on the door, then the fire started." I finish and turn back to Jasper, who was looking under the van, he stands quickly and puts an arm around my shoulder, looking around.

"It was Jane, I can recognize her scent." he says, turning to me, I put my hands on his chest, still felt like I was being watched and that the only cover I could hide in was Jasper's arms "Why would she attack us?"

"Maybe she just wanted to see you since she didn't after the battle with Victoria."

My hand instantly flies to the scar of Riley's left over bite. "She would have seen that I was bitten," I speak, what will the Volturi do, my body begins to shake. Jasper looks down at me, taking off his jacket he pulls around me, pulling me into him as well.

Closing my eyes against his chest, I wrap my arms around his waist. Sensing his nose dip into my hair, he utters, "I'm not gonna let anyone of them touch you baby. I promise, I promise I'm never gonna leave you, I'm never gonna stop loving you."

I nod my head, "Okay...can, can we go home?" I ask, wanting to see everyone, I wanted to celebrate my best friend's wedding, I wanted to see my family, and I wanted to spend time with Jasper.

Looking back, bringing in his arms made the past weeks feel disturbing, being away from Jasper was painful. Jasper kisses my hair, putting me in my side of the car. "Of course we can, everyone's missed you so much," he says, getting into my driver's seat, smiling he leans over. "But I missed you most." he draws, pushing his lips against mine.

I slide my hand over his arm that held him up, tracing his scars with my thumb.

But it was just one of those gentle significances.

Jasper pulls away, first smiling, trailing his fingers up my forearm only to grasp my hand. Starting the car back up, he begins our drive home, one grip on the wheel, the other clasping my side the whole way back.

Feeling safer, I lean back against the seat admiring the view, now I could not be cheesy and say the sight of trees was comforting, but that's not the view I was focused on. He cut his hair a little shorter, and it wasn't as wavy, but his eyes, his smile, they never ceased to amaze how much they're able to tell with one glance.

How did I end up the luckiest girl in the world to have a man like him?

"I love you." I blurt out randomly, Jasper chuckles, not taking his eyes off the road, but his hand squeezes mine, his thumb running over my palm.

"And I'll always love you...forever."

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