A minute later Rashid opened the car door slightly panting, "Let's go," he said, the both of them looked back and hummed at the sight of his suit. "Now you have clothes on" Faaris stated, "I had better clothes earlier too"

Faaris glanced at him through the rare mirror as he reversed "You were in sweatpants and sweatshirts Rashid"

"Yeah, but it was comfortable" he defended, "You are going to a meeting!" both Faaris and Naadir said together, he flinched back settling on the seat. "Okay, okay" He rolled his eyes.

"MOONLIGHT RESTAURANT" Faaris read the restaurant's name as he stood by the doors. Naadir and Rashid walked ahead of him into the restaurant, looking for Renzo and the men they were having the meeting with. When they spotted them, they turn back to look at Faaris, he looked ahead walking towards them. As they reached the four men stood up looking at Faaris,

"Henry Lee, A&X Inc" The first man said extending his hands to Faaris "King, Nifaas" Faaris replied, shaking his hand.

He turned to the second man shaking his hands also, Faaris felt the man is a bit sketchy, it could because he was the only red haired amongst them. "I already know about you Mr. Ahfaad, I am Richard Alessandro, Richardson Inc" He didn't spear him another glanced and dragged his hand nodding and turned to the last one.

"Mua'az Rafeeq M&M Inc" Faaris shook his hand, looking surprised to meet another Muslim with a company around Newark, the last time he came he was the only one.

Another Muslim? Nice

"Yes" Mua'az Rafeeq said, "Excuse me?" Faaris asked raising his brow as the other men sat down, "I thought you were wondering if I am a Muslim?"

"Was just analyzing?" Faaris stated, taking his seat next to Rashid and opposite of Mua'az. "The face says it" Mua'az said, greeting Naadir and Rashid.

"Should we start gentlemen" Faaris asked, looking at their faces, "You were never around the past years, why now?" Asked Richard interrupting Henry who was starting to talk, "I just happen to come" Faaris replied, shortly.

"Well then, it is amazing to finally meet the mysterious King," Henry added, smirking. Faaris raised his brows but said nothing.

Renzo cleared his through opening a brown file, "Well then let's get to work gentlemen,"

"We have come here with a proposition for you all, around New York, our companies have been at the top of fashion game for three years in a row" Naadir said, placing his hands on the table.

"How do we do that? We are competing"

"We become business partners instead" Faaris said, Richard let out a dry chuckle shaking his head, "But that is impossible Mr. Ahfaad, it will only make your company broad since we will be under your name"

"I never said anything about it being under my name, we would have shared stocks"

"What about the fashion show?" Henry asked, Faaris leaned forwards taking the file from Renzo and removing a paper "That's where our first step would start" he says sliding it down to him.

"But the judges would not agree because it is three companies combined together" Henry said giving the paper to Richard,

"And even if they agreed they would only pick your company because it is the biggest among ours, Richards only got to beat you with one percent last year" Stated Mua'az

"But this plan is for the next twenty years to come, all the companies will broad on the same pace" Rashid spoke, the men hummed looking at the four of them.

"Mr. Ahfaad are you trying to save your company by using us? We all know what is happening there" Faaris raised his brows looking at him, "And what is happening?" he asked, Mua'az was about to reply when they got interrupted a man on the orchestra stage.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, the musical show is here and the girl we have all been waiting for is here, put your hands together for our star Scorpio X " he said.

Faaris turned his head to the stage as the rest of the men, a lady in hijab came on the stage, she heard a Niqab on and gloves on, only see her eyes could be seen. Faaris furrowed his brows looking at the lady, the eyes seemed very familiar to him.

These eyes? I know them

Even the voice is familiar...

The Hijabi girl? Definitely not!

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Saturday afternoon musical show, I am Scorpio X" Most of the people in the restaurant cheered others whistled, and the businessmen kept quiet looking at the stage as though their minds are not thinking over the proposition.

"Today's a midnight special, ' thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran-" Before she could finish cheers interrupted her, she stopped smiling and waited for them to calm down as the drummer and guitarist got on the stage.

"Should we leave?" Naadir asked Faaris. He shook his head and focused back on the meeting. Alishaa started singing ' thinking out loud' Faaris tried not to look up and concentrate on the meeting but he was curious to know if she was the same Hijabi girl.

"King!" Rashid called his attention, and he immediately got out of his trance and faced the guys.

"So, what I understand is you think I am trying to use your companies to make mine broad?" Faaris asked, "Yes, unless you agree to make us your company's biggest shareholders, right?" Asked Richard looking at the two men, "Yeah" The two men agreed.

"Well, that wouldn't be a pr-" Renzo started but got cut off by Faaris, "There isn't a need for this meeting, I think. Till we meet at the fashion show and continue as competing partners" he said standing up, Renzo face palmed himself, while Rashid and Naadir stood up.

"But your company is going down and you need our help, The board of directors will take it from you"

"No, I don't need your help and it was nice meeting you gentlemen" he said quickly, and turned to leave noticing the lady has finished singing and was heading to the door.

"Alright see you at the fashion show where your face will be on the ground" Richard said, in a slight fit of rage.

"I am not sure that will happen" Renzo replied in the same tone, a bit disappointed with Faaris's reply and he never liked the red head anyways.

"You said that last year Renzo"

"Yeah, but King wasn't here" He packed his files and walked after the three.

Faaris walked out fast almost ran but he had missed her, "I hope to see you again Hijabi girl" he muttered to himself and walked back to his car where Naadir and Rashid were waiting for him

"Where did you go to?" Rashid asked noticing him, "Err...somewhere, Let's go," he answered dismissively and walked to the driver's door, Naadir and Rashid shared confused looks but said nothing.

"What have you done?" Renzo stomped out glaring at Faaris, he rolled his eyes and started the car, "let's talk at work Renz" 

Hola people, welcome to the greatest book of all time...oh who I'm I kidding!

Alright later✌


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