Snow man

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Prompt: snowman

Fandom: OHSHC

Characters: Hunny, Mori, you, Haruhi, Kyoya, Tamaki,

Story type: Reader-Insert

It was the middle of winter and the snow had fallen thick on the ground and currently, the Host Club were doing....nothing.

"It's so boring!" The twins whined. You had to agree, sitting inside when there was at least 2 inches of snow freshly fallen was not your idea of fun.

"I know! Why don't we have a snowman contest?" You suggested.

"A snowman contest?" Haruhi asked.

"Yeah, we split off into teams and the one who makes the biggest snowman wins!"

"That's a good idea, [name]!" Tamaki smiled and stood up doing his best 'power pose'.

"Okay! Me, Haruhi and the twins vs [name], kyoya, Hunny and Mori."

"Lets do this!"  You shouted and ran outside, gathering snow.


So far, the game had been nice, you and your team had managed to make a massive base for your snowman, and it was definatly bigger than Tamaki's team snowman which was only palm sized as they kept fighting.

"How are we going to make the head?" You asked.

"If we all stand on each others shoulders?" Hunny suggested.

"We might not be able to lift it," Kyoya said.

"Maybe, if we all make the seperal ball for the head and then throw it?" You asked.

"Let's try [name's] idea!" Hunny smiled and you all lifted the ball to place it on top.

"One...Two....three!" The massive ball of snow was thrown up into the air at supersonic speed and...kept going over the top of the snow man base.

"AAAHHH!" A loud gruop scream was heard as the snowball hit the ground with a loud thump!

You looked round the base to see a bunch is legs, arms and a hat as you realised what had happened.

"We squished them!" Hunny cried out.

"Oh, dear!" Kyoya snickered.


"Sorry guys...." You mumbled as the opposing team all sat wrapped in towels, hot watter bottles and blankets, chugging down endless mugs of hot chocolate in attempt to defrost themselves.

"I-t-t-t's O-k-k-k-a-y-y-y," Haruhi chattered.

"So does that mean we win?" Hunny asked innocently.


"What happened to all the snow?" The confused students asked.

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