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Prompt: Cookies

Fandom: Gintama

Characters: Gintoki, Kagura, Shinpachi, Miyazawa Takesuzu (oc)

Story type: Fanfic

"Joyeux Noel! Joyeux Noel! Merry Christmas Odd Jobs!" Miyazawa called out, skipping into the shop.

"Uhh, Merry Christmas, Miya-Chan," Gintoki grunted before falling asleep again.

"Merry Christmas!" Kagura and Shinpachi smiled. Miyazawa grinned and sat down on the sofa opposite them, making sure she didn't accidentally sit on Gintoki, although she doubted he would care. He could sleep through an earthquake.

"I brought cookies!" She sung, passing round the red and green tin full of a large assortment of different flavoured cookies.

"Cookies?!" Gintoki exclaimed, bolting up from his slumber and headbutting Miyazawa in the head.

"Y-yeah, I brought them over seeing as I wouldn't be able to eat them all my self," she relplied, rubbing her head. Apparently Gintoki the silver haired samuri could sleep through an earthquake, but at the mention of something sweet he was immediatly awake. Miyazawa shook her head, chuckling to herself.

"Hey, whats so funny?" Gintoki asked, poking her cheek.

"Nothing...I think this years going to be the best Christmas ever!" She smiled.

"But we're not doing anything?" Kagura replied, her voice muffled by the cookies.

"Yeah, all we've got is the VCR and ramen. And the ramen ran out." Shinpachi added.

"So? We're together and we always have fun when we're together." Miyazawa said.

"Your going soft, Miya-Chan~" Gintoki teased, leaning back and going back to sleep. Kagura and Shinpachi were trying to finish the whole tin of cookies off in record time and Miyazawa was timing them whilst reading JUMP.

"Hey, have you got any strawberry-milk flavored cookies?" Gintoki asked.

"Wha-? No! You can't get strawberry-milk flavored cookies....can you?"

"If you use strawberry-milk instead of normal milk you can." Shinpachi said.

"Challenge accepted." Miyazawa nodded and headed off to the kitchen.

"Wait! Miya-Chaan! Don't use up all my strawberry-milk!!!" Gintoki called out.

"To late!!"

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