Candy Canes

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Prompt: candy canes

Fandom: Death Note

Characters: Mello, Near, L, Matt Reader.

Story type: Reader insert

You flung the door to Wammy's open and hurried inside, desperate to get warm again after spending hours shopping after school looking for presents for your best friends.

"Hello, [name], your back late today..." L greeted you as you shuffled into the main living room. Smiling you plonked yourself on the sofa next to Mello the bag on your lap.

"Yeah, I stopped by the shops to pick up some presents after school." You said casually as their heads turned round to face you. Matt dropped his remote, L nearly dropped his lolly pop and Near nearly lost all interest in his puzzle. Only Mello seemed uninterested.

"Did you get us anything?" L asked, sounding slightly like he was pleading.

"Maybe..." You teased and squealed as the three jumped up and searched the bag you so desperately cling onto for their presents.

"Wow! This game only just came out! Thanks [name]!" Matt gawped at the shiny box which contained some new fighting game he'd been going on about for months.

"Thank you for the new puzzle, [name], I've nearly finished this one," Near smiled, tipping all the pieces onto the floor to start the new puzzle.

"Yes, these sweets will defiantly increase my brain power," L stated.

"By how much percent?"

"Around 80%,"

"Good," you grinned. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Mello who had turned around to face the wall, a slight scowl on his face. Reaching into the plastic bag you pulled out a purple and silver wrapped rectangle and gently hit Mello on the head with it.

"Hey," you whispered warmly.

"What?" He replied. You handed him the present and watched as he unwrapped it, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly as he recognised the brand of his favourite chocolate.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"S'okay, glad you like your presents now if you'll excuse me, I have some math homework to do," you waved and turned to leave before stopping at the door as someone poked you in the back. You looked over your shoulder to see Mello standing slightly embarrassed and holding out a large [fave colour] wrapped present.

"For you," he said and you carpeted the present, unwrapping it to see a necklace made entirely out of miniature candy canes

"Oh my gosh thank you Mello!" You squealed hugging him. He stood still for a moment before awkwardly patting you on the back.

"Actually we all chipped in to pay for it," L interrupted.

"We'll thank you guys! I love it!" You grinned and left to admire your present.

"Where's our hug?" Matt asked slightly peeved.

"I am 95% certain that [name] likes Mello and therefor hugging us would be out of the question."

"Shut up L.' Mello grumbled sitting back down on the sofa, slightly smiling.

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