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Songs for the chapter; -

California by Dzeko ft Bryan Elliott
For you by Liam Payne ft Rita Ora

The lyrics will be to the second song.



"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up It's Christmas morning!" I groaned as my body shook on the mattress. I took in a deep breath opening my eyes to the sight of Harmony and Melody jumping on our water bed. They looked cute in their pink and white jammies that had bunny ears at the top.

"Ow!" Blake's sleep-filled voice interjected as his leg shielded over mine under the covers. "Who was that? Was it you Enza? Or was it you Cari? Come here!" I loved how playful he was being with the children as he sprung out of bed chasing the screaming girls down the hall. After getting over my endless smiles I turned my attention to the window as a snow flake hit its pane bringing out the magic of Christmas like I always imagined it would. Sighing, I reached out for my red gown beside my bed and quickly covered my body with it heading to the window. Who would have thought that I would have reached this point in time? Waking up to a lovely Christmas morning next to my loving husband with our kids waking us up? I could barely make out anything outside except some few houses next to ours due to the heavy snow that covered the neighbourhood.

Rinsing my toothbrush, I quickly made the bed and headed downstairs as the sweet aroma of pancakes struck my  nostrils. I made sure to get Blake's black gown since I was sure he was cold.

"There she is!" I rushed to Blake's awaiting arms after Mel called out for me.

"Merry Christmas Love," he rubbed my back momentarily as I dug my fingers into his hair.

"Merry Christmas." I could not help but chuckle at the sweet way he always referred to me.

"Finally!" Damon yelled dramatically wiping his face using the back of his hand. He squatted near the fireplace lighting the fire to make the house as warm as possible.

"Oh come on you did not even break a sweat," I teased which earned a look from him.

"Should I be leaving you to it then Anastasia Steele?" I inhaled sharply.


"Oh come now, you both think that the walls are thick enough to contain your screams? You were like a-"

"The children are present!" I stated ushering at Melody to come into my arms as Lorenza ran into her father's.

"Oh come on, it's not like they will understand.."

"When are the two of you never at each other's throats?" My mother's voice radiated through the kitchen. I knew that she was making her usual special christmas breakfast. I kissed her good morning as my mouth watered at the sight of freshly baked goods before me. My mother had always fancied pastry and I was lucky to always have been at the receiving end.

"I knew that the pancakes and cinnamon would wake you," she commented switching off the gas. I helped her set up the table with Carina at my hip. Freya came to help and it was surprising how quick she and my mother clicked. It had taken a lot of convincing but Freya and Blake came to live with us in Scarborough which we thought was best. Blake and I were married with kids so we had to live together but since my mother was too attached to the girls she begged us to live with her in our house. Blake was more than willing to move with us and after the trauma he suffered by his father's insatiable habits I totally understood. Freya however needed much convincing but it was not exactly hard with Damon pleading with her every minute of every day which, if you asked me, was kind of cute. Mazekine and Will were exceptional as they decided to travel the world which best suited them. From what Blake told me, Will had always wanted more from life and if he and Mayse were truly alike then they would thirst for the same things. Andrea went to visit her family for the holidays and Alexis was glad to live with us. Since we had all made up and there was room, my mother did not see the need of her renting an apartment yet we would be going to the same work place and our families were close.

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