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Special thanks to @lexie097 and @Damcate and @kiraclara and @jamilabianca for being the first to vote and comment on my story!

It means alot to me.


Vote and comment!!!!



This was the third shirt I had ruined with my depressing choice in cologne. Argh. I was doing my best to really get everything right on my first day of work as CEO. Unfortunately nothing really goes well on first days to anything for me. As Demi always said to me, first impressions are everything so I was trying my hardest to get it together.

"Damon, the early bird catches the worm!" Father exclaimed from the living room.

"Coming father!" I finally decides to give it a rest on the fourth bottle of 'Dark confetti' that I used.

"What were you doing in there, putting your make up on?" Father asked while glancing impatiently at his rolex watch.

"Very funny father," I said falling when wearing my shoes which earned a shrug from my father.

"If I get to the car before you I promise to drive off and leave you here." I knew it was not much of a threat considering the fact that the garage was full of cars and I knew my way around the place. I headed to the car with my father and turned on the radio as soon as we were on the road.

"Must you turn the volume up that high?" Father shouted.

"Don't you just love the blast of the noise?"

"It drives me crazy"

"Should I turn it down?"

"No. I'm actually enjoying it," said father dancing in his seat. I smiled and joined him in singing to the lyrics of Dance Monkey by Tones and I. My father took his eyes off the road for only a moment, but it was enough for him to run over a young woman in a dirty white dress. I could have sworn that the road was clear. I had no idea where she came from. I alighted from the car and walked towards the front.

People around the street started to crowd her and the car. I pushed my way through the crowd to see if she was alright. She clutched her knee using her right hand while the other held our car's number plate. Part of her long curly black hair fell to her waist while the other bit swept the road. She had no shoes and wore a dirty white dress, cream coloured or was it baby pink? I could not quite tell because it looked like it had never been washed.

I heard someone call the emergency number and she looked up to hook her grey eyes with mine.

"Are you alright?" I asked slowly making as if to touch her shoulder. She jerked her hand and moved fast away from me only to hit her head against the car's front. She winced momentarily and watched as she tried to stand up. She looked tired, as though she had not slept for days. Her lips cracked and I could tell water and meals were scarce to her.

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