53. Karaoke

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I went to the office as usual. My headache reduced a little compared to that in the morning. I like working here but I love my past job. But I am left of no other choice. Veds is busy in her personal life and I can't handle everything alone for so long. I wonder how she managed to do everything alone when I was dealing with Jay.

Jay. One word, million memories, infinite love. I don't want to talk about him only because talking about him makes me remember the good old times and also the hard new ones.

I am in contact with Ved to know how he is doing. I sometimes ask how Jay is doing too. But that's very few times. I miss my best friend, Ved, and Veds. Jay is a constant missing though.

Life here is completely different from what I had back there. I am a new Sia here. Not the soft-spoken girl. I liked being soft but this is thrilling. Not caring about what we talk about sometimes is such a relief.

I changed my personality completely after coming here to Delhi. The capital has its own style and found mine. One day I woke up and cut my long hair short. I always liked my long hair, but also, I wanted to have short hair. I asked my mom back then, about cutting my hair. She gave me a whole one-hour lecture about it in which she concluded that I can't cut my beautiful long hair and I would regret it later. But now, I did what I wanted to do. I called mom later and told her about it. Surprisingly, she didn't say a word.

Mondays are generally not my type. I used to love a fresh day and a fresh start, but now I hate them for a reason. The reason being waking up to headaches like I did today, or tiredness or just bored.

I promised Vedika that I would come to see her. I can't leave my best friend on her own when she needs me. I plan on going there for a week and see what to do next. Mostly I will be coming back to Delhi, I plan coming back here. But time is a very wicked thing. It makes you do things that we never thought of. Like me working in an office on a Monday morning with headache, far from my home.

"Good Morning dude", Arpita said as she came and sat in her place. She is the one who came along with me to the waterfall the previous day.

"Good morning", I said lazily. She just chuckled and said "Headache?"


"Thought so. You don't know how you acted all drunk yesterday. It was difficult to drag you all the way up hill.", she said.

"Yeah, I don't remember it completely but I have these glimpses of someone dragging me.", I said sipping on my black coffee. Another change in me after coming here. I never liked coffee. I always preferred tea to coffee and now it is the one that works with my headache.

"Where are the others?", I asked after a minute.

"I don't know. Maybe they will be late.", she said and started working on her laptop. Taking the cue, I started doing the same.

Whole week passed and Friday is back. I just love Fridays. Mostly I will be out doing something crazy or sleeping like a slog. Both are completely opposite to one another, but that's what I generally do.

"Any plans for this weekend?", Manav asked as we all sat at the breakout area.

"Nothing in particular. Do you have any?", Arpita asked.

"No. You guys tell.", he answered and everyone shook their heads as they have no plans either.

"What's up dude? You are silent all the time. You have any plans?", one of them asked as I silently munched on my sandwich.

"No. What should we do?", I asked them back.

"You always have something to do in the weekend, don't you?", Arpita asked.

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