39. Drunken

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 The wedding ended with a grand reception and with a lot of emotions. Everyone headed back to their places. Time for me to go back to Vizag and resume my work. I am a freelance developer. Veds and I, after completing our studies got few good offers but we sticked to our original motto. We never wanted to work under someone, someone's rules.

At beginning it was difficult, but then we got projects and now we have handful of projects to work on. We work on our own timelines and we can work from anywhere. But I stayed at Vizag. That city has many memories and many emotions that I can not leave.

Nothing is going to be same anymore. Veds absence will be clear. We agreed on working freelance, continuing things, but she stays with Abhimanyu. I will meet her every now and then, but it won't be the same.

Jay and Ved are back at Bangalore. They both started a startup an year ago. They are growing slowly in the field, beating the competition of the famous firms. They had a lot on their plate to deal with and sometimes, Veds and I help them. After a week of not attending to work, there is a lot to deal with.

"This is the last time we will be leaving to different places. Next time onwards we will be going to the same place together.", Jay whispered while bidding me good bye along with a sweet lingering kiss. I know I'll miss him and he misses me, but not for long. Within a month we will all be meeting again for our wedding. Then we need not miss each other, all we have to do is love more and more every day.

"Take care. Happy journey", I said while tears ran down my cheeks.

"Don't cry. You know I can't leave while you shed tears.", he pampered.

"I will be okay. Bye", I said and turned to Ved.

"You both take care of yourselves. I know you won't but at least you can try.", I said.

"Sure boss. We will take care. And special attention will be given to your lover here too.", he pulled Jay and winked at us.

We all laughed at his craziness. Meanwhile announcement came and they left for their flight. I traveled back to Vizag the same evening.

"Today we got a big project, Sia. Finally, our dream is coming true", Jay screamed from the other side of the phone. It's been two weeks since he went Bangalore.

"That's a great news Jay, congratulations", I am happier than ever.

"Thank you. Wish you were here now. I just want to hold you close and enjoy this happiness.", he said. 'I wish the same Jay' I thought but didn't tell.

"Today there is a little party crazy Vedie boy has arranged.", he said.

"Great. How is he? I miss him too.", I said.

"How is he? Of course, he is healthy eating my brain every day. Sometimes I wonder how I still managed to stay sane while living along with him.", he said and I can see him rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Hahaha, don't tease him like that Jay.", I laughed along with him.

"Catch you later. Bye", he said and cut the call.

Why am I feeling like something big is going to happen? Why? I don't know but I feel such.

Later I settled in the couch listening to one direction and singing along. Recently this has become my new stress buster and I also changed my ringtone to one of theirs. I gradually drifted into sleep.

"You don't know you're beautiful...Oh...Oh. That's what makes you beautiful....", sang my phone for which I woke up instantly.

What the heck. Who calls at this hour? I looked at the screen to see Jay's picture flashing on it.

'Jay?? What would have happened?', I thought sliding the green icon.

"Jay!!! Are you alright? Why are you calling me now?", I couldn't stop my heart from racing. I couldn't think straight when I receive a call from at odd hours.

"I am alright, Darling. I just called to tell you that I love you. And I miss you like hell.", he said. His voice a little different from his normal one.

"You called at 1.30 A.M to tell me that. For gods sake Jay, I was sleeping.", I know I almost screamed. This boy will be my death one day. Yet, I love him.

"Its post-midnight already? I didn't recognize Baby, Sorry.", he said in that same slippery voice and with huge noise at the background.

"Where are you exactly?", I asked sternly. There is something definitely going wrong.

"At the party. I said na, Vedie arranged this for our first project.", he said.

"Okay. Where is he? What are you doing without enjoying?", That's how I ask when I am irritated for getting my sleep disturbed. And he called me in the middle of the night to tell me that.

"Somewhere on the dance floor, I guess.", he said.

"Are you drunk? Jay", I asked.

"How did you know? Are you here?", he asked like a small child. Excited. That's it. Confirmed. Jay is drunk.

"No. Now go and grab Ved and drive home safe.", I said.

"I'm sorry.", he said sadly for which I chuckled, but didn't let him know.

"Its okay. Go home safe. And then call me. Bye.", I said and cut the call.

He is drunk. Most probably both are drunk. And he calls me to tell sorry for that. Crazy boys.

Five minutes later, he sent a picture making puppy face saying sorry. This is it. I can't hold it anymore and I broke out laughing like hell at that picture.

'I said go, grab Ved and get home.', I messaged him.

'Sure, boss', he sent.

I sat there looking at my dark home, waiting for him to call or message me that they are home safe.

Its already been half an hour he sent his picture, and yet there is nothing I receive. I waited for a few more minutes that felt like hours.  

I called, I messaged, and then waited, waited and waited. But never received anything from the other end.

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