36: Man in dream

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I drove back from her house. I love the way she blushes when I call her Love. I like that pink on her cheeks. She looks cute. It is difficult to come back leaving her but it is to be done. I sent her a good night message. I know she won't be sleeping. She sits on her bed staring through the window and remembering the incidents of the day. She will be terribly tired but still she won't sleep. I smiled at these thoughts entering into my home.

"See... Finally our hero is here.", my mom commented as I entered the kitchen. It is already past 9. She is doing the dishes.

"I thought you won't be coming today.", she said. She loves teasing me whenever it is possible.

"How can I not come, mom. You know I can't live without you.", I said kissing her cheek and settling on the kitchen counter.

"Ahh!!! Times have changed, my son. Now I hear you said the same words to someone else too", she teased.

"You knew it!!!", I am shocked. I have no plans of proposing to Sia today. It just happened like that. And my parents left early before the announcement. Dad being a doctor had to take an important case. Mom left along with him.

"I have my sources",she said smiling at my shocked face.

" Ved told you already. That idiot. I thought of telling you myself. And that dude has to spoil everything."

"Yes. But he didn't tell me. He actually showed the video. That too live telecast.",she said laughing.

"You should have seen your face all worried when Sia was taken aside. That was worth watching.", she chuckled. See this is my mom. Didn't I tell you that she loves teasing me. She must be enjoying at my misery now.

"I was afraid then mom. I thought she was going to reject me straight. There were a lot of scenarios running inside my head and none gave me assurance that she was going to say yes.", I said truly.

"You are afraid that you lose her? How can you even think like that?",she said walking to the living room, "that girl is so in love with you. She can never reject you. Anyone can tell that from the way she looks at you."

I smiled. I smiled remembering that look in Sia's face. That longing look she gave while I was leaving just now. She can never reject me. She loves me too.

"She said yes mom. I am very happy.", I said sitting beside her.

"I am happy that you are happy, Jay.",she said caressing my hair as I slept in her lap.

"Mom, I have to leave for Bangalore. I have to leave tomorrow itself.", I said. It is then I realized how sad it is to leave your loved ones. I don't want to leave. But still I have no other option.

"Did you tell Sia that you are leaving?",she asked.

"No. I don't want to kill her happiness. She is so tired after the competition. She won't sleep if I tell her that.", I said calmly.

"Already thinking about her happiness? That's good. My little boy has already grown up, and I didn't even recognize that.", my mom said smiling at me.

"Tell her when you meet tomorrow.", she said. "Give her anything that reminds her of your love. She will be happy."

"Ok mom.", I said.

"Now go sleep. Don't sit staring through the window smiling like an idiot. I know you can't sleep but still try. You don't want your eyes red when you meet her tomorrow,do you? So go and sleep right now. Good night.", she said kissing my forehead and left to their room.

I smiled at her thoughts being exactly same as mine. I went to my room, had a good shower, changed into my pajamas and hit the bed. I don't know when sleep took over me.


"Hello Jay", a voice said. I opened my eyes only to see a man of almost 6 feet height, strongly built with a mask covering his face except his eyes.

I looked at those eyes with confusion. They are surprisingly blue. So deep like an ocean.
"Hello, who are you?" I said still in a confusion. Who is this person.

"You didn't recognize me, Jay?", that man said.


"You will definitely recognize me. Time will definitely make that happen." , he said with a smile. I can see him smiling from that look in his eyes.

"I don't understand.", I said.

"You will understand everything Jay", he said.

"Why are you here?", I asked him.

"I'm here to tell two things. One, I am very happy today. That you finally found that person you love.",he said. I can see his happiness in his eyes. He is genuinely happy.

"Thankyou. And the second one?", I asked.

"Yeah, the second reason for me being here is to warn you Jay. I feel like something bad is going to happen. I can't tell what that it is. All I can do is to warn you to be more careful. In everything you do.", he said with worry in his eyes.

"And why should I believe you?", I asked.

"You have to believe me Jay. I can't tell you why, but still you need to. I can understand your doubts. But believe me, something bad is going to happen.", he said.

I stared at him as he blurred out.

"Can I atleast know your name?", I asked.

He smiled and said "Jeet. My name is Jeet. Remember my words, please be cautious in everything you do Jay.", he said as he completely disappeared.


I woke up listening to the loud sound of my alarm. It is 6.30 am in the morning. I rolled over my bed lazily killing that horrible sound of the alarm.

I am too lazy to get up from my bed. I still rolled over inside my warm blanket. Slowly I remembered last night's event. A man with blue eyes, his words, his warning. I realized that it was a dream. But it seemed so realistic. Like someone spoke to me in real.

I tried to recall his name but I couldn't. Finally after trying to recall everything for few minutes, I remembered his name. Jeet.

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