42. Hospital(2)

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12 hours. That's the amount of time passed, since I heard about Jay's accident. It's post midnight already. Almost the same time Jay called the previous night telling that he had fun drinking at the party.

I pulled out my phone. Tears appeared as I saw our picture on the lock screen. We were both smiling at the camera. I want to see him smile that way right now. But no. He can give no expression. Everyone is praying for him to get into consciousness.

All the previous day's events started running inside my head. Jay telling sorry for drinking. I'm actually fine with that. The only thing that I'm mad at right now is how can he be so careless? How? He is Jay. He is always aware of everything and now he is laying there on a bed with machines helping him breath.

This is not right. It doesn't feel right. I was sitting in the hospital cafetaria alone. Ved has no sleep since yesterday. He insisted to come along but I denied. I want to be alone. To process everything that's already clear in front of my eyes. To make my mind register these things. To make my heart accept the pain.

There are million things running inside my head right now. And nothing is making me feel any better. My head is aching like it got hit by a wall. Wait... It actually got hit by solid floor when I fainted. Doctor asked me to rest. I think they are making some kind of sick joke to ask me take rest at this situation.

I don't know what to do. All I have in my hands is pray to God. I wish Lord Ram ensures that Jay's life is not in danger. That's all I have been repeatedly praying for about countless time.

Jay's parents are as much worried as I am. As we are. Everyone is at the same dead end, that opens only after 12 more hours. Time is passing lazily like it is tired of ticking. Each second feels like an hour and don't ask how it feels for an hour. It is just stagnant.

I took the medicine doctor gave me after having a sandwich. This is not the time for sandwich but what makes it different when I don't even know the taste of what I ate.

I walked back to the hospital. Cool air freezing my hands. I was still wearing my oversized t-shirt. It's dark all around with only a couple of street lights. The walk is not too far. It's just from one building to other which are facing almost opposite to one another. I wanted to feel this air now. May be it freezes the sadness and make it disappear just like that.

The medicine kicked in. I started feeling dizzy as I reached my people. Dad and mom holding each other and sleeping in the chairs. My mom and dad were asked to go to Jay's house here to take a little rest. Anyway there is no need for everyone to stay. Veds just stopped sobbing and hid her head in Manyu's chest resting. He was looking in to the air. I heard no word of his except with the doctors and Veds, consoling her. How much I wish I can put my head in Jay's hold right now.

Ved sat distantly at the corner. He didn't know what to talk to anyone of us. He thinks everything is his fault. He arranged the party, he along with Jay got drunk and drove. And he sat in passengers seat but doesn't look at the coming vehicle. He blames himself for this unfortunate event.

I sat next to him taking his hands into mine. Poor fellow has to deal alone till everyone came by. I understand him. He doesn't get hit bad but still he is injured. He has a cast round his left arm. And few bandaged stitches here and there. Scars and small injuries on his face.

"Ved...Please don't blame yourself for all this mess.", I said to him. He didn't voice out about his self-blame but I know. I'm his best friend like he is mine. We don't need much words to explain.

"How can I not, Sia.", he said weakly. "Ofcourse this is all my fault. I shouldn't have arranged that stupid party. Or i shouldn't have get ourselves drunk. Or i shouldn't have let any of us drive. Or should have looked at the road to see and help Jay."

"It's not your fault, Ved.", I said again rubbing my thumb over the back of his palm. "Jay will be alright. He loves you and me more than anyone else na. He will be alright.", I consoled him. A broken person trying to mend another broken person. Irony of life.

" I think you should take a little nap, Ved. You are restless all the day. You are not well too. Please", i pleaded him slowly. It breaks my heart to see both my love and also my best friend injured. One is unconscious and other is sitting here blaming himself.

"You should too. And yet you sat beside me trying to console me. Why? Aren't you angry at me? Why are you not shouting or scolding me for making this happen?", he asked. His has got a lot of pain inside.

"Why didn't you tell me first thing in the morning, Ved? You said you both slept off in the car. You said you were both fine. Why?", I asked him that one question.

"I didn't want to scare you. I thought we will be fine by sunrise and later we can explain about this. Jay doesn't seem so serious then. I brought us both here. Doctors said nothing cause I'm drunk and injured. By the morning I was awake and lifted your call. I know that we got hit but not the severity of that. I'm sorry." , he apologized again.

I understand his situation. He was not sober to recognize a thing. Not his fault. I won't blame him for anything that has happened. I won't blame anyone for that. They should have been careful, I know. All I want is Jay to wake up first thing tomorrow. All I want is everything to get back to normal or anywhere near to normal. I want Jay to be out of danger. I pray for that one thing.

I just laid my head on Ved's lap as he adjusted to accommodate me. I know he is hurting too, but he don't listen when I ask him to sleep. My head is spinning. I have to lay down or I'll faint again. I don't want extra drama. Everyone had enough of it already. I slowly drifted into a short nap wishing for a millionth time to let Jay out of danger.

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