7 : It's you, Only you

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Hello people. 😃😃

Here's an other quick update.

I am sure that you enjoy this.


  The dream kept on disturbing me the whole day. I couldn't help forgetting it. I thought of concentrating on the nature and forget everything. I went to the villagers and chit chatted with them about various things. I never thought that a day happens when I talk to more people at once. And this is not that bad talking to people. I learnt a lot of things from them, their livelihood and everything about them made me enthusiastic.

  It is already 11:00 am and I don't know how time passed that fast. All our friends thought of going to the waterfall in the heart of the forest. My mood is very good that I spoke to many people at first without them starting a conversation.

We went to the place and I was lost in the beauty of the place. The waterfall powers down the rocks like champion skier on the downhill. All I did is standing still while listening to the exploding waters from the hill. The hill from which the waterfall drops down is so high that it looked like kissing the sky. 

The place blossomed with colourful flowers. It looked like a rainbow stretching on the surface of earth. Birds chirped with joy all over. I am delighted looking at the scenery before me. Its kind of feast to my eyes. The waterfall changed its colour with the surrounding. It hides from the sparkling sun rays making it more magnificent.


Its already afternoon and our stomachs made us realize that they are hungry. We accepted the urge for food by our bellies and came back to the camp side. I could not take the view of the waterfall and its surroundings, the musical ramble of the pure water from my brain. I could still have the fascinating image of that place infront of my eyes. I fed my belly with some food. We went for a small trip all over the jungle and returned early to the camp. Its already time for us to leave the village and go back to our place.

The journey back to the town is not that exciting. We already started missing the place. I stared out through the window and my thoughts travelled all over the world. We finally reached the town and left for our houses.

"Mom!! Sis is back" ,shouted Garry from outside the house. My mom came excitedly and hugged me saying " I missed you sweet heart. Are you alright? " she confronted me.  I rolled up my eyes murmuring " Family sentiments" and said " Ofcourse I'm fine mom. I am just a little tired now. And also I am hungry. ". Before I finish the word ' hungry '  my mom's expression changed and she rushed into the kitchen. " I'll prepare something for you Honey. Meanwhile have a shower. " She said from the kitchen.

I went to my room and threw the luggage in a corner. I have a strong urge of having a hot shower and tasty food (specially prepared by mom) . I went into the bathroom and had a lazy hot shower. It's so refreshing after when you have a travel. I dressed up into my pajamas and heard " Sia, come down dear. Food is ready. " from downstairs. I ate and left again to my room feeling lethargic and drifted into sleep. 


"How are you sweety ? " , asked that voice. " I missed you a lot , you know. I just want to listen to your words." said he.

"How come you know me? Do you actually know me or am I hallucinating ?" , I asked him.

This time he didn't had a mask on his face but something stopped me from having a clear view of his face. 

" I know you dear. You are the one for which I have been waiting from ages. " he said smiling at me. 

" But how? I think you have mistaken me for someone else." , I said totally confused.

" No. It's you. Only you. " he said and started moving back.

I just waited for him to come back. I wanted to see his face. That face which had the most mysterious eyes. But he is gone . Gone into the long light that made his face unclear. 

" Who are you ?  Wait!!!" I shouted and my Mom and Dad came running to my room. They were scared like anything. I realized that I just had that dream again and this time I actually shouted. They were gazing at me to explain what happened.

" Had a bad dream Honey? " My dad asked looking worried.

" No papa, I'm fine." I said "You guys relax and get back to your rooms".

" Take care dear. Call me if you want anything" said my mom still looking confused and they left the room.

I drank some water and went back to sleep. 


Its morning already and my mom shouted from downstairs to wakeup. I woke up and got ready to the school. It is like all new going to school after the trip. I had a quick breakfast and packed my school bag. Garry started his bike and we left to the school. 

Garry is actually taller than me , which makes everyone think that he is older than me. He also acted like a big brother most of the times.

" What happened sis, Mom said that you shouted last night in your sleep. ? " he asked.

" Nothing bro, Just had a dream." I said. We rode to school in silence. " Don't worry about that dream Sia, take care. If you want to go home or want something , please do call me. Don't go alone. I'm always with you. " He said with a string of concern and love in his tone. 

" Sure bro. Now stop acting like a big brother and go to your class. " I said smiling at him. He chuckled and went away bidding a bye. 


How is this chapter?

How did the man in Sia's dream know her? 

Why is he in her dreams? 

Is she imagining things?🙂

Wait for my next update to have answers for all these questions.

Have a nice day.😉

Don't forget to star.🌟🌟🌟

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