18 : The Accident

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Here we are again with an other update. 

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I am very excited all the way to the waterfall. The climate is not so cool for a winter morning. Its just a few minute walk from the stay to the place so we didn't hire any transport. Having a small walk for few minutes once in a while is healthy. 

We reached the destination after 20 minutes. I am very much in awe after looking at the scenery before me. No words in any human language can describe the beauty of the nature. So I stopped searching for the correct words and started roaming the surrounding.

Its green all over with a deep waterfall in the middle. There is a small river flowing near it. There are many birds hiding inside the branches of the trees lazy enough to meet the sunshine. The water is playing the melodious music ever by jumping from the tall hill. Its like water rushing all the way to the depths no longer waiting for the beautiful merge with the stream flowing by. Simply its like heaven with the different melodies of the nature nurturing us in its pleasant lap.

I'm just freaking out after seeing this beauty. All the weight I have been experiencing from few days has gone and I feel so light. So light like a feather. Nature always has that effect on me. Being a nature lover this feeling is not foreign but now is the most beautiful moment in my life.

I walked along the path on the bank of the stream getting my way to jump into the stream along with Vedika. The water is so cold that sent chill down my spine. I loved this feeling. This is so good. Suddenly from no where came my evil brother thudding into the water which made the water to splash all over us. He gave us an evil grin which made me worry about my coming future.

" Let's go to the waterfall Sia. I think you will find that even more peaceful." ,he said politely. This is not him talking. May be he has a plan out there for fooling me. God how to deal with such an evil brother.

" Sure dear brother but you must tell what you have planned over there for your lovely sister. " I said with a sarcastic tone.

" Oh Sia, you must trust your beloved brother. Now let's go" he said pulling me along with him. I followed him along with Vedika.

Jay sat near the water fall with an expression that no one knows. He is not coming to the water. He just sat there playing with his legs inside the water. May be he is afraid of the waterfalls. But my curiosity didn't let me pass by him silently.

" Come on Jay. Why are you sitting here all alone with an unreadable expression spreaded all over your face?" I asked stopping near the bank while Girish and Vedika already passed by without noticing me not following them.

"Nothing Sia. I don't want to bath in this cold chilling water this early in the morning." ,he said trying to hide something.

" Seriously??" I asked him doubting his expression. He is definitely not telling something which is in his mind.

"Of course. I'll join you all after sometime. Go and have fun. " he said faking a smile.

" You must learn how to hide truth Jay. It's all visible clearly on your face." I said trying to stop laughing.

" What? N-oo I'm not hiding? " he said almost it is like a question.

" Of course you are hiding. You must be afraid of waterfall. Amn't I wrong. " I asked his bursting into a loud laugh.

The expression now on Jay's face is so funny that it almost made me laugh ever louder. He looked at me with a how-do-you-even-know expression mixed up with you-are-over-in-my-hands-now kind of smile.

I got my cue to run away from him so that he can't catch me. I jumped into the stream again. It is the only safe place for me from him now. He is not going to get into the water anyways. So I'm safe right now. I grinned at him.

Suddenly there is a large sound from the waterfall which made me and Jay turn towards the sound. Since I'm down in the water, i don't know what actually happened. I looked at Jay. He has a serious expression on his face. All the silly fun until now has gone. I came up from the water and looked to the direction from where the sound has come. 

I am shocked seeing the scene in front of me. It is a huge rock that probably a part of the hill that fell down from the top. Thankfully no one is hurt. Girish is just a few yards away from there which made me even more frightened. 

I ran to him to check him whether he is okay or not. Only after I got my confidence that my brother is completely fine I felt fine.

I find that place no more interesting and asked my friends to head back to the cottage. They all accepted my request thankfully after my condition. We all started heading back to the cottage. 

We are walking back. My mind still pictured the horrible incident that just happened. My mind is full of the weird thoughts of What if? and my happy and joyful mood has long lost. I am walking on the road like a zombie not knowing where I am going dwelling in my own dreadful thoughts. Jay and Ved stood on both of my sides where Girish walked in front of me talking with Vedika. Everyone is fine. No one's face showed a little bit of tension except mine.

We are almost near our stay. It's just about 5 minutes to reach the cottage after crossing the small road. I am walking slowly than the others. 

"Sia!!!" , I heard Ved shouting my name and turned to see a car coming in an unstoppable speed hitting me hard. I can feel my body turning numb, my vision going blur, and my body hugging the floor before I fell completely unconscious.


I  am so sorry guys for the late update. I am a bit busy and lazy with my works and couldn't update.

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