33. Confession

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It has been raining heavily for a few minutes. I am completely drenched. And I stood still. The only sound I can hear is the heavy rain, and my own heartbeat. Is it normal to hear a heart beating so fast?

Maybe after listening to the most unexpected words, you can find everything goes silent and only hears what you want to.

"I love you, Sia", I heard these words almost a five minutes ago from the boy I like. Yet it is so unexpected and unusual. It feels so unreal. I kept on repeating the scene in my mind to get it noted but am failing miserably.

"Sia, I know it is so sudden to tell this, but I can't stop, not after you said you like me. I know there is a difference between liking someone and loving someone. After you said you like me, I felt like I'm the happiest person alive. And these feelings I have for you, they sometimes overwhelm me. From the moment I saw you at the village waterfall, I found this strange pull towards you. I thought you are cute and innocent. I think I developed a little crush then but I never thought that you would become this important. When we met at school and became friends, that little crush faded but there is something about you that attracts me always. We became best friends but I could see something different that made me feel more than a best friend. You know me well than anyone else. I knew that you would never leave me, you were there in my happiness and troubles. When we left for college, I felt this missing feeling that made me confused. And when we met again, I knew that we are not just best friends, not for me. I liked you. I realized it. I denied accepting that for so long that it became impossible for me to deny it anymore. How can someone ever stop liking you? You are so pure like this rain. Your smile, your green crystal eyes, they speak a lot even when you are silent. Your heart is what attracted me the most. You are so caring, sweet and strong. You have this alluring personality that makes you stand out even when you are in a crowd. You are a precious jewel that needs to be taken great care. I liked everything about you. And when I discovered I like you, I liked you even more. It is like an irreversible reaction. I don't know when my feelings grew strong or how that even happened, but I loved you. There is no real reason why I love you, it does not work like that. I always thought when someone loves someone, there shouldn't be reasons or conditions for it. Love is unconditional. And that is what I felt for you. Unconditional love. When I realized that, I loved you more and even more. It's like some infinities are bigger than other infinities, whenever I thought that I can't love you any bigger, I was surprised to feel more and more love for you. I love you, Sia. And I can't undo it ever."

I am literally shocked after listening to his confession. Am I dreaming? It is like a dream that I never want to wake up from. Tears started flowing down my eyes. I don't even know how to react, and these tears are not helping me too. All I wanted is this to be real and true. I don't know what to do and I hugged him tightly.

I pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. He hugged me back with equal intensity. It calmed me a bit but there still is that feeling which is unable to explain. Sweet and serene feeling. Like this rain. I stayed in his embrace for a few moments.

We looked at each other's eyes. Did you know that eyes can talk? Well, now I know that they do. His eyes spoke a zillion words that his lips didn't. And my eyes understood every bit of those. That is strangely amusing.

He cleared the few strands of hair that fell on my face tucking it back in my ear. He played with my hands sending tingling sensation all over my body while I stood still processing everything that happened. I kept staring at him all the time. All I could hear is my heart beating fast and the rain. The light breeze flowing made my already wet self shiver.

"Let's go home?", I asked shivering in the cold after the rain.

"Sure", he gave me a smile.

We walked to my apartment. I slowly came back to my senses by the time we reach. I took out the keys from my bag and opened the door. I went inside without looking back. Jay came inside and sat on the couch.

After ten minutes I came back with a towel for Jay to see him talking to Veds.

"Veds!! When did you come? You never said that you are coming today.", I said remembering our conversation in the morning.

"Yeah, I thought I could stay till tomorrow but I have to come back. You know that assignment I have to submit, I didn't complete it yet.", she said.

"Ok. I will make something for us to eat.", I said and left into the kitchen.

I could sense a pair of eyes on me. I smiled at myself which is definitely strange. I forgot that Jay was also drenched completely in the rain.

"What happened? You are completely drenched.", I heard Veds asking Jay.

"Yeah, actually I head here. But I found this certain someone and we spoke which left me surprised. I couldn't concentrate on the rain then.", he said stealing glances at me.

"You could have brought that certain someone here and talked. Instead of getting wet like this.", she said giving him a towel.

"We could. But the situation didn't let.", he said smirking at me. Idiot, he always finds a way to tease me.

"By the way, who is that certain someone?", Veds asked excitedly. Can't she just stop asking questions?

"Sia", I heard him say and I could feel my heart stopped beating.

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