23 : The night walk

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The day ended with a lot of performances and entertainment. One of the best days after years I have enjoyed surrounded by a huge crowd pf people. From tomorrow the football matches will be starting. I am excited as well as tensed at the same time.

Garry is trying his best to hide his nervousness from us, but I am his sister. I know him from his day 1 and I can read him like a book. I smiled at him and said that everything is going to be okay. He smiled back.

We left for home as it is already late and also there is a lot of stress on Garry. I stayed with him all the night until he entered into the deep sleep. I don't know when but I was also consumed by sleep.

The warm morning rays streamed into the room filling it with hope. I woke up and saw Garry sleeping peacefully. I know he is hell nervous and the only thing that reduces his anxiety is sleep. I let him sleep for some more time and left to downstairs.

My mom was preparing breakfast singing her favourite songs. It is lively to listen her singing. May be my interest in singing is inherited from her. I helped her in preparing breakfast and then I am back at my room. I got ready for the big day today. Then I went to Garry's room and saw him getting ready. We had our delicious breakfast and left to the school.

As promised I stayed with my brother all throughout the day. I don't know how it helps but he always insists me to stay with him during his matches. When your baby brother order who are you to deny?

His match started and as usually he played well. Being the captain of the team, he has many responsibilities in making his team strong and to lead them to success. His success lies in the success of his team and their happiness. He managed everything perfectly. This is the best performance he has ever given in all these years. It is a tough fight but whom are we talking about here, my brother. He knows what to do in tough times and all his strategies brought him success.

After an hour of excitement the toughest fight came to an end making all of us jump in joy. Our team won. As expected there is a loud cheering and everyone surrounded the team. Jay lifted Garry in the air along with Ved and few others. They are very excited after watching Garry's play for the first time. 

After another hour we gathered at the cafeteria and celebrated the victory along with the football team. Now that they won this match they will be promoted to the next level. And after winning that they will go to the finals. There is a day gap for the next level. So everyone thought of throwing a party for the victory of football team.

"I am not wearing this.", I shouted.

"Come on Sia, don't be a spoiler now. It's a party.", Vedika said dramatically.

"NO", I said adding stress to it.

"But I want you to wear it na", She argued.

"Still a NO", I said.

Wondering what is happening here. I am here to tell you that. This crazy head Vedika went to shopping and bought a dress for her and also for me. Now she wants me to wear that today evening. It is not like I didn't like the dress, actually I loved it. But who wears a grand dress for a party? And there comes the argument.

"I am ok with this jeans and white T shirt. See I looks good on me. I'll wear the dress on some other occasion.", I tried to convince Vedika.

But all my points are being nullified with hers. I feel like she better opt for a law course after the school. It suits her the best. She argues with such power that no one can win over her.

"Oh, come on you can not force me to wear this now.", I complained again.

"Let her wear what she wants Vedika.", someone said from the door. Oh thankyou a lot. You are my real saviour. I turned around to see Jay at the entrance of the room. He stood leaning on the door folding his hands. He was already ready and reached to my place to pick me up. He looked good in his white button-down shirt paired with blue jean.

"Now you are also supporting her? Very good", Vedika said sarcastically "I'll leave now.", she said and left.

"Thanks Jay. You saved me from her today", I said looking at his eyes and smiled.

"It's Ok. Get ready.", he said and left.

I wore my favourite dress and left immediately. By that time Jay, Garry, Ved, Vedika all are waiting for me.

We all enjoyed a lot at the party. I was surprised to see Tanvi there. She was sitting in a secluded area. I went to her and we had a little chit chat. She is such a sweet girl. She said that her friends dragged her to that place inspite of her constant rejections.

We became good friends. And within few minutes she left the place telling that she is so tired of people all around. I too felt the same and also my friends are very busy enjoying themselves. I am not this party type but I accepted it only for my little brother. I said that I am not interested anymore and will be going home. He agreed with that and asked me to be careful.

I was walking back to my home alone now. The street is so silent that the sound of crickets echoed all over the place. The street lights were dim telling that it was already late at night. I am basically not afraid of darkness. So I am not scared of the surroundings.

It takes hardly twenty minutes to reach my home. Also the area is not completely secluded. I can take an auto to reach my home but I like walking on empty streets. So I choose to walk home. I heard slow steps from my back. I turned around but couldn't find anyone.

I was again immersed in my own thoughts about Garry's match and unknowingly I was thinking about Jay. I don't know why but my thoughts kept on drifting towards him. The previous day's event, my song, me hugging him out of excitement, his song , his voice everything filled my thoughts.

Slowly I felt that someone was following me as I was hearing the foot steps gradually towards me. I stopped in the middle of the street to see whether I was really followed or it is just an imagination.

Then I saw a person coming towards me slowly. He is tall and well built. He had a hoodie over his head and also his head was hung low. He was approaching so I resumed my walk back to home. When I turned back again to see whether he is there, There he was at a certain distance. I got panicked and kept on walking faster now. I can hear my own heartbeat. It was thumping inside.

Then I felt him very close to me and I almost started running now. I heard him call my name.

"Sia..." a familiar yet foreign voice. It is sweet as well as well known. I know that voice but I couldn't understand how. I just stood there like a statue watching a frame getting closer to me.

In the street lights I could see his face now. But only eyes. He covered all his face leaving his beautiful eyes. I got panicked but something at the back of my head was telling that nothing is going to happen.

As he came very closer to me now, I can clearly see his eyes. Those were the familiar blue ones which I have seen very close. And I was lost in them for few seconds. Those eyes are the ones which I always admire in my dream.

"Sia!!! are you scared of me?", said the man.

Am I dreaming or everything is happening for real? Is he the man whom I always see in my dreams? It may sound crazy but I never thought that that man in my dreams actually exists. Did he really exist? Is he the one infront of me now??

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