12 : The Surprise

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Hello people.

Every day is beautiful when we are with our Friends.

Unlimited amounts of love , affection and craziness is a friend.

Happy Friendship Day 😉😉😉



Its almost a week I last saw her. She is a kind of attraction. I can't hold my thoughts from drifting towards her. 

I am waiting for going to school and see her again. My dad made everything ready for me and my brother to join our classes.

" Tomorrow you both are going to start your classes at the school. Get ready for a new environment buddies.", dad said at the dining table.

I actually didn't like this new place. I am used to the old house of ours, its so beautiful. That town is  so adorable with greenery in its surroundings and familiar neighbours. But here everything is so new.

I used to have my bicycle rides every holiday mornings. That's what I love to have. I just loved my bicycle more than my bike. Old is gold they say and that's true when it comes to me. My old cycle is gold.

I am not used to the environment over here. Its too noisy with vehicles and honking everywhere. Being a fun loving good boy , I thought of having a ride outside with my cycle.

" Mom!! where are my cycle keys? " , I asked her loud searching for my keys at my wardrobe.

" They are near the showcase in the hall. " , my mom said. 

" Thanks mom" , I said ," I will be back in few minutes. Just a small ride." and left.


Vedanth POV

I saw Sia in class today. She sat at my place thinking about something deeply. She has become a great friend of mine in very few days.

Something is definetly bothering her. She looked so dull. 

" What happened Sia? " , I asked her sitting next to her. 

" Nothing Ved. Just random thoughts." , She said.

" Oh. Have you done your homework given by Mr. Wilson yesterday?", I asked her. 

" Yes. Math is my favourite subject. How can I not do homework in that." , she said smiling.

She has got the most beautiful smile in the world. She is so cute.

" Ha. Then help me out of these problems." , I asked her for which she agreed and we started solving them.

Differentiations and Integrations are really confusing. Hell with them. You solve ninety nine problems and find the hundredth one difficult. And Sia is an expert in these calculations. 

Its already the time to have lunch and I started having a little headache with these problems. I asked Sia to go have lunch at the cafeteria and resume math again.

We ordered our lunch and started talking about random things. The craziness of a person is known only to the person who travels close with them. Sia is completely a crazy girl with lots of fantasies. No one gets bored when we have a companion like her.

We had remaining classes and left the school. She went with her brother Girish and me with my sister Vedika.


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