54. Bike Ride

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"You appear in every of my dream, but when I open my eyes, you disappear. Why would you do that, Jay?", I mumbled as I looked at the person in front of me.

"I won't disappear when you open your eyes now. Just open your eyes, Sia", the person said.

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't see anything clearly. It's completely blurred. I am about to pass out and fall back to the table when a hand caught me securely and supported to sit straight.

"Who are you? Leave me alone.", I said. I am angry at the person when they tried to pull me again.

"You know who I am, Sia. Come on.", the voice said. There is no hurry or no irritation in that. There is only worry behind that voice. I finally gave up and let the person carry me out holding me by my shoulders. I don't know why, but I felt secure after a very long time.

"You know what? Don't touch my bike. Leave it here like this. I will pick it up in the morning.", I said even in the deep slumber I am in.

"Okay.", the voice said and asked, "May I ask you why?"

"I said don't ask me any questions.", I said in irritation. It is cold all of a sudden and it is then I realized that we came out of the pub. Great. My short dress is not helping me in this and I am shivering like a kitten.

"Let me take you home. You trust me, right?", the voice asked again. I found some type of familiarity in it but couldn't recognize as I am not in my senses.

"I don't know. Where is Manav? He said that he called my little brother.", I asked him. The person just chuckled lightly and left to the other side of the road to bring a bike, that looked exactly like mine.

"This is mine. I said not to lay a finger on it.", I growled like an angry wolf when I saw him bringing the bike. He just gave a smile that made no sense. "Come on, Sia. This is exactly like yours. That doesn't mean it is yours."

For some unknown reason, I believed that shitty excuse he made and nodded. When I looked around, I could see some dim street lights and damp roads and no people. Damn. I am alone with this person whom I don't know or I am not recognizing at this time. It is damn cold and the little breeze is sending chills down my spine. I have no other source to get back home except this person in front of me. To be true this person looks handsome and hot. God, I am in trouble now. Where is my little devil of a brother at this time? Yeah, he went to meet his friend, right.

"If you are done with all the calculations, there is a seat empty on the bike.", the person spoke breaking my line of thoughts. I just hopped on the bike. Like I said, for some unknown fucked up reason, I found secure and safe.

"What is your name?", I asked him as he started the bike for which he just smiled and kept silent.

"You know you are irritating.", I said to him.

"Yeah. I get that a lot.", he said again with a smile. That smile. Why is he smiling at everything? Maybe he is mad. I wonder if his cheeks ache for this constant smile he has on his face.

"Who are you?", I asked again after some time. The air is giving me chills and my eyes are watering at the pressure the air is putting through.

"Someone you know.", see that is why I said he is irritating. He is not answering any question straight. I am pissed off now. I just held my hands close to myself to protect from the cold and to put some distance between him and me on this bike. I have a strong feeling that this is my bike.

After a few minutes of silence except for the hoar of air, he asked again "Why don't you tell why you never allow anyone to touch your bike?"

"You won't leave the topic Would you?", I asked.

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