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Hey lovely readers...I know I have been updating so late. I am very sorry about that. And also I am very disappointed with the fact that the number of readers following this story has not been increasing. That really makes me very weak to write more. 

If you don't like a part or the way the story has been going, please don't hesitate to convey that with your comments. The same way if you find it good, interesting, please suggest your friends too to read the story. And also comment your views in the comment section. Support me by following me and also by sharing it with your friends.

I am very thankful for your support until now. Keep supporting me. I get a great inspiration when I find a good response from the readers. 

So here we go with the next part of the story. Expecting a very appreciative response from my lovely readers. 

Hoping some good reads on the next part......



It's My Story✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora