41. Hospital

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'I don't even know how to react after I heard what I heard. That can not happen. No. I think I heard something mistakenly. Yes. That's it. I was not in a good mood so I heard it wrong. That's all. ', I spoke to myself.

"Stop messing with me Veds. I'm not in a mood for your stupid pranks.", I tried to smile at her wishing she would laugh now and yell that I'm fooled.

"I wish I was pranking you, Sia. Sadly, I'm not. I'm telling you the real thing." ,she said.

"No. I can't believe that shit. No that can't happen. Not to him. Not now. Never ever.", I panicked. By now I know that she is being serious. She is not joking.

"It is real Sia. Get that in your head. I and Manyu will be there with you in an hour. We will pick you and can go there.", she said. Her voice so weak barely audible. She has been crying all the morning. And then she disconnected.

What the hell just happened. Jay is in a hospital from last night and Ved didn't tell me when he talked to me in the morning. I refuse to believe this. I refuse.

I am shell shocked to even process the information. Every going minute, I try to sink it in that it is real what I heard, but my mind and heart quarrel not to. Veds won't pull such a stunt to prank me. Also Ved won't lie to me flat in my face early in the morning telling that they are okay. No. This can't happen.

I don't know how I am still conscious enough to open the door. Veds and Manyu came by taking me along with them to Bangalore. Looking at them the tears that I hardly stopped came back like a broken dam.

There is this incredible pain like stabbing my heart with a dagger so deep that the blood is oozing like a fountain and still that's not nearly close to what I am feeling now.

We reached the airport, boarded the flight and still I'm just a walking zombie. I look like that too considering the position I was in from the morning.

"How bad is he?", I asked them composing myself. I want to know what actually happened to him.

"Don't know. Ved sounded like almost breaking in the call.", she answered weakly. I didn't question anything else. I just can't take any more bad news.

We reached and rushed to the hospital. The drive was like a journey to hell, filled with agony. As soon as we reached the hospital, I saw Ved walking like a mad person at the lobby. His eyes red, body bruised, hair messed up. He looked like a wreck.

He hugged us as he saw us. I don't know what to ask him. Should I ask why he didn't tell me this in the morning? Why he hide such a massive thing from me? I'm Jay's fiancé for godsake and I have the right to know about him.

He looked at me with sorrowful sorry eyes.
"I'm sorry Sia. I didn't know how to tell you this. I know you will be worrying but I just didn't have an explanation for what I did.", He said.

"Where is he? I want to see him." , I spoke. That's all I'm here for. To see my future husband lying on a hospital bed.

He just walked down the corrider that leaded to an ICU.

My heart dropped as soon as I see the ward. Intensive Care Unit. The place where you never wanna meet your one and only love.

I see him. Lying on that white bed with white blanket. Several machines connected to different parts of his body. An IV running. His head wrapped up in a bandage so thick that it's covering his eyebrows. Bruises and bandages all over his face, hands and his body. The only perfect description can be Pain.

I broke into heavy sobs that echo all over the place. But I don't care. My eyes full of water, vision blurring second to second. Pain. I felt that all over me. And completely blacken out.

"Sia..", I heard as someone call me slowly. I struggled to open my eyes. Eyelids feeling heavy. Pain coming back.

"Sia. How are you feeling?", someone asked as I opened my eyes. Probably a doctor.

"Painful", I said weakly. I tried to lift myself but I can't. I have no energy left in me for that.

"What happened to Jay?", I asked Ved who stood by my side.

"Sia. You are not in a condition to hear and take that now. He will be fine. Please don't panic", he said and the doctor nodded at him.

"I want to know. How can I not panic when he is in an ICU.", I tried to shout but it came like a squeal.

"We met with an accident last night. A car hit us from the opposite. We were drunk and the lights from the opposite blinded us as we got hit. Jay was driving so he had it bad." , Ved said helping me sit. This is now I realised that I was in a bed.

"What happened to me?", I asked.

"You fainted Sia. You should take food to regain your energy.", the doctor said.

"How bad is he, doctor?", I asked trying to get up from here. I'm not the patient. Sadly my heart is. And here I'm taking the treatment.

"Can't tell until 24 hours. But we have that gut feeling that he is going to be alright.", he said. "Trust in us. We will do our best."

I chuckled sadly at the situation I fell in. My lover is there in an ICU fighting for life. I'm here in the same hospital, sleeping, fainted after seeing him in there. My friend struggling to console me when he himself is already breaking apart. Jay's family crying their eyes out and my parents worrying and consoling them.

How fast a night changes from a beautiful dream to worst nightmare...

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