49. Journal(2)

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It's a very bad idea to start reading this. And now I can't undo knowing her strong adoration for me.

I just turned a few pages again.

March 8

Two months since I last saw him. We talk every now and then but I didn't see him for these months. I miss him.

College is going all fine. Jay and Ved are working so hard on their project. And he gets very little time for himself now. I understand that he can't talk to me every day like we used to before. Things change with time. That's just change, I know he misses me too.

He keeps asking me to not leave singing. But with all the classes and projects, I don't know whether I can continue that. I like singing, he likes me singing, but I can do that only when he is around. I get all nervous on stage without him in my eyesight. He is my strength that makes me do anything and also my weakness if not there.

I just turned a few more pages again. I am not reading continuously. But Sia wrote her heart out on these pages. I am her weakness and also her strength.

NO Date

I lost track of time. Its been so many days since I last talked to him. He is really busy with work. Maybe I will become crazy without him. This is real trouble now. Everything I do or think about is finally leading me to him. Like he is my ultimate destination. Sometimes I get these weird thoughts, what if he is not there? I don't want to find the answer to that though. I can't even imagine that now. Maybe a few years ago, I would have been fine, but now, after knowing that he has become my life, I can't even imagine that. The only thing that happens if my thought ever become true would be me going completely crazy.


Its been so long that I wrote last time. I know why I started writing this back then. To stack and store all the hidden feelings I have. I dreamt about something yesterday, that some blue-eyed person talking all sweetly. He has a mask that covers all his features. I want to know who that is, the face behind the mask. And the face with that beautiful blue eyes. Sometimes these dreams are recurring. I think I saw that person somewhere. Those eyes are too familiar to not observe. I wish to find that face though. He says that he loves me, the person in my dream. Little did he know that I am not available anymore. I am taken. I told him that but he just smiled and left.

Aug 09

One year since Jay asked me to be his girlfriend. Things changed a lot this year. We all graduated in April and started our careers right away. Different careers but the same connections.

Abhi proposed to Vedika today. What a beautiful thing to happen? Out of all days, he chose today to do that. We went on a double date and its fun.

A smile, A dance, A hug. Later dropped me back at my apartment not before giving a lingering kiss on my forehead. A forehead kiss is what shows how much they adore you.


Any relationship has its ups and downs. Ours is not an exception. We fight too. Today we had our first fight. The reason for it is so silly. We fought about our favorite song. Childish right. But the thing is saying sorry is even more fun here. We both didn't talk for about an hour and kept sulking about it. Later when I called him, we both blurted sorry at a time. That's all needed for a long laugh.

Not all fights tear people apart, some bring them together.


Jay and Ved went on a camping trip with their friends and colleagues. I sometimes envy Ved for having an opportunity to stick around with Jay. While I stay here a few hundreds of miles apart just thinking about him.

It's My Story✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora