16 :"Thank a lot,Helmet"

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Hello guyz
Here is an interesting update as promised.
Hope you enjoy it.

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Jay pov :

We started in the morning and reached the destination within few hours. Its not too far from the city. As soon as we entered the country side, I felt calm,peace surrounded by me and the feeling is good.

We searched for a place to stay and asked a person about the facilities available. He said about a cottage the next street which is mostly used by the travellers as a halting place. He said that no one knows about the cottage owner so they declared it as the village's property.

I felt good after that and he lead us to the cottage and gave us the keys.

It's a small one for 5 people but beautiful. There are 3 rooms of which one is kitchen and two cute small bedrooms.

We went inside and got fresh after a tiring journey. It's then I recognized growling of my stomach and decided to go out for food.

" It's already afternoon so let us have lunch outside. There is a small town nearby where we can find a hotel or dhabha to fill our poor stomachs." , I announced and everyone got ready for it.

We went to the town, had lunch, roamed all over the village and returned the cottage by evening. As we walked all the way from the town to the village, everyone went to the rooms allotted to take some rest.

Sia pov :

I had a good lunch and all we did is to walk all the way to the village. It's very tiresome and I found myself in a miserable state not able to walk anymore. But finally we are back to our place and it made me so happy.

I went to our room and laid on the bed. In no time Vedika joined me and I drifted into sleep.

After a long sleep I woke up and found that Vedika is still sleeping. I chuckled at the way she slept and went outside the cottage.

Thspreadede sun has just set and the moon just woke up from his beauty sleep all the day. The sky is clear and there is a fresh breeze coming slowly towards my direction.

I walked outside the cottage and found a small lake nearby. I just went to its bank and sat there looking all around the peaceful surroundings.

I felt someone beside and was shocked to see Jay.

" Hey, Jay. You just scared me. " ,I said for which he just smiled and kept silent.

We sat there in comfortable silence.

"Do you know Jay, I just liked this place very much." , I said to him genuinely.

"Same here" , he said keeping his gaze towards the little lake.

"Are you okay here Sia?" ,he asked me with concern.

I know that my little brother Sirish is so worried about me and planned this trip along with my friends so that I could get some rest and peace.

"I'm totally fine here Jay" , I said and turned to his side.

My past kept on playing on my mind all at once but I lied that I am fine. Jay gave me a I -know-that-you-are-lying look but kept quite.

" I used to learn music when I was a child. I am very interested and passionate about music since my childhood.", I saw his expression. It said me to speak and I continued.

"My parents encouraged me to learn more and supported me. I dreamt of being a singer in future from then and practised well and with interest.

But all my beautiful dreams were shattered within seconds like a house of cards. And the reason behind that is only one person whom I hate from the bottom of my heart , Chetan.

He being an upperclassmen bullied me a lot. Being a silent girl I am never popular like him. And he played with everyone like his wish.

Two years ago, there was a small music competition held here in which I participated. I hoped that I would sing good and get a good response. I gave my name. I practised a lot with zeal.

On the day of competition, while I was about to start and sing the song he arrived. He came suddenly from the audience and passed the rudest of comments that made me cry on the stage. I couldn't perform anymore and ran out from the stage.

From that day onwards I never ever tried to sing a song. In addition to this everyone started to make fun of me. No one used to talk to me correctly. My best friend Deb left me and went off.

I cried a lot and finally got used to them. Slowly everything got settled but I developed a fear of singing in front of people. No one encouraged me except my family.

Katherine happened in my life and I thought she would be a better friend than everyone else. And again I was slapped with the truth. She is a part of Chetan's gang and betrayed me. I lost hopes in friendship too and became lonely.

It is then you happened and made me feel better." I narrated my past to him.

I don't know why I spoke all this shitty past of mine with him. But I felt good after letting it out.

I turned around to face Jay and found him facing me.

"Sorry for talking all this now. I don't know what happened to me, but I felt like sharing with you" , I said dropping my eyes.

"Thanks for trusting me with your past, Sia. ",he said and I smiled.

"I am very sorry that you have to go through all this pain" ,he said even though he has no part in it.

"Its not your fault Jay. It's okay and I'm fine with ot now. I started forgetting it. But sometimes all those play inside my mind." I said.

All of a sudden Jay drawn me towards him into a hug. I was shocked at his sudden act but stayed still.

"I will never let you go through any of such bad things again, my friend. ",he said breaking the hug.

His eyes stated that his words are from his heart.

"Thanks a lot, Helmet" , I said.



Finally updated as promised.

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