C~61: Breaking News

Start from the beginning

"But where's Eve." begs Jasper drawing attention to him, sitting down he runs a hand through his hair "She's not in the car, she's not home, it's been over 3 hours-"

"Jasper we're not gonna know anything until the police give us the okay to check it out." states Edward, Bella looks up "Let me call my dad, he could probably get us in there first thing in the morning."

"But we're not going to dismiss the fact that this wasn't some guy road-raging, Eve wouldn't lose her cool for that nor drive on the edge of a drop she's terrified of heights," affirms Jacob. Jasper looks to him sighing, "Your point?"

"That a human couldn't push her off the road."

This hangs in the air gravely, and of course, it hung above the boy's heads. Upstairs already in nightwear, they listened through a vent in the floor that leads to the living room. The two brothers raise and look at each other "So they think some did this on purpose." states Whitman.

"Some creature at least..." draws Major, the two nod "Vampire."

"Could it be Caius?" starts Whitman, Major nods "Who else...and if they got mom-"

"Don't say that!"

"Got as in kidnapped, maybe we're next, or our family is."

"Well, then we have to wait."

"Don't you understand if we are next, then our family could die. And mom..." trails Major getting choked up, the fact of the matter was that someone wanted half-bloods like the boys, Eve, and Renesmee gone.

Just then, Whitman's eyes light up, and he pulls out a book from his bag "A location incantation! We could use it to find mom! We just need one of mom's things, and then it'll take both of us to perform the spell."

Major smiles. "See, I told you playing down your vampire side would be useful!"

"You said that focusing on magic was unhelpful-"

"Whatever, so what do we need to do?" he asks, clapping his hand. Whitman reaches into his bag, pulling out a carton of chocolate milk. "First, I need you to drink this," he says, shoving it to Major. "Why?"

"You only ever drink blood; you need real food to fuel your magic," he says, standing and looking around the room, and Major stomachs the drink. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for something of moms, this is dads old room so theirs gotta be something in here-"

"Will a ripped sports bra do." gurgles Major, Whitman turns back to see him holding it up. Nodding, he sits down, and Major throws away the carton licking his lips "That tasted great!"

"It's chocolate milk, no wonder," mutters Whitman opening up the book turning to a page and holds out his hand, which his brother takes. "We have to say these words together: Paikkaan, jossa kadotettu itkee, näytä meille missä on varastossa."

"Got it Parik..aogd...dada...whatever."

"Say it with me, take a deep breathe and focus on mom," orders Whitman, the two close their eyes imagine Eve in there heads. Her eyes stared at them in love, her voice that so many times sang them to sleep.

"Paikkaan, jossa kadotettu itkee, näytä meille missä on varastossa."

Upon saying these words, a vision appears in there head. A grand castle, in a town surrounded by the forest "Iceland?" asks Major opening his eyes, Whitman rolls his "Romania!...which is across the ocean, so lets head downstairs and tell everyone where mom is." he says standing. Major grabs the edge of his shirt. "Wait, we can't."

"Why not? This isn't a game; this is mom's life."

"I know, but we can't drag anyone else's life into it. We have to get mom back ourselves."

"Are you kidding? This isn't about us doing daring-do this about mom and dad's lives and even worse their marriage." whispers Whitman, Major lets go raising an eyebrow "Okay so we have to stop the bad guys from ruining mom and dads wedding...Whit wake up, mom would do it for us...and I say it's time we got out there and showed everyone we're not little kids anymore! That we can handle the world! We could handle high school if we wanted!"

Whitman shakes his head "The speech was great, but we don't have passports, and we can't drive!!!"

Major bites his lip, thinking before smirking, "Did dad say he was gonna pick up something tomorrow morning from Mr. Jenks? I mean, he only calls him for things like divers licenses or passports!" he hints, popping both Ps.

Whitman takes a breath thinking, he wanted to save his mom more than anything and for the first time...Major was right no one else could be dragged into this "Fine! But we still can't dri-...damn...but I know someone who can."

"Great when dad leaves to check out the crash we'll take the chance and leave-"

"But remember this isn't a game; this is mom's life."

"Don't tell me things I already know."

"Promise you'll take this seriously."

The two brothers stare at each other, each had something to prove and a mission in mind.


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