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"Sit down." He pulls me towards the toilet. (which is closed I'm not sure how to phrase it.)

I sit down as he quickly grabs the stuff he needs.

"When d-did you become a hairstylist?" I say jokingly. "Oh, I'm not. Richie always wants me to dye his so I've kind of figured out how to do it."

He begins to put a dark dye on. "What if my h-hair falls out?" I begin to worry. "Bill you literally dyed your hair a yellow blond, if it were to fall out it should've already."

"Y-You got me there." I chuckle. His hands hoe through my hair. Like how we would cuddle, be would run his fingers through my hair and play with it.

"There. Now we have to wait." "I uh...I'm sorry f-for kissing you the other night." I run my fingers on the lines of his palm.

"Okay..." he whispers, leaving the bathroom.

Sitting in the living room I glance at him any chance I get.

—Stanley's POV

Bill glances at me any time he can. I stare at my palm he held, running my fingers over the lines he touched.

"Oh. Come on. We gotta finish your hair now." I pull his wrist, leading him to the bathroom once again.

"Sh-shit Stan you're gonna water b-board me." "Oh...sorry." I chuckle wiping the water from his face. His green he's giving me butterflies.

"Okay...if you want you can shower now." He nods as I leave the bathroom.

A couple of minutes later he comes out, a towel wrapped around his waist and his head. I chuckle. "Can Bill borrow a shirt, Richie?" "Sure Billiam." Bill nods, going into Richies room.

"Wait what button do I press?" "This one." "I literally suck at this." I chuckle leaning my head on Mike's shoulder.

"I'm b-back."

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now