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That username sticks out like a sore thumb. It angers Stanley. Makes him wanna throw his phone again.

"That fucker." "Stanley not again." "Yes again." He mutters crossing his arms tightly. "I understand why your mad but it's been a month."

Stanley flares at the boy angrily.

"Are you in love with him still?" "Yes, I'm in love with him!" Richie chuckles making Stanley's mouth twitch, almost turning into a smile.

*video of Mike and Ben playing slap hands*

liked by: billiamdenbrough_ & 14 others
redhead_bev: only these two play the game.

ekaspbrak_: I wanna play
billiamdenbrough_: don't play with Richie. It hurts
birdboy_uris: it's a great game. Who doesn't wanna play it?
big_dicktozier: replying to ekaspbrak_: fuck yeah come here.
billiamdenbrough_: ...

Who's yelling in the background? Bill whispers to himself. He tries to listen hard to the video. Beverly's loud giggles making it hard to hear.

"Are you in love with him still?" Well, that's Richie. His voice recognizable anywhere. Since you hear it a lot and he very loud.

He's not talking to Eddie, the two are dating.

"Stanley?" His whisper louder than last time. "Who are you talking to?"

Bill glances up. "N-no one. I'm n-not crazy e-either." The two smile. "Come on, let's eat." With it being 10:30 pm, the two decide to eat whilst Georgie lays asleep in his room.

"Mike and Ben?" "Huh?" "The video? I saw it too. They seem like they're having fun." They smile at Bill's phone before he puts it in his pocket.

"Yeah, R-Richie and Eddie both dyed their hair. Beverly g-got a puppy." "Cute. I wish we could go see them again."

Bill sighs in slight anger, poking at his food. "You know they don't wanna see me. It's obvious they're all mad at me."

"You chose to come down here. Shouldn't they respect your choice?" They ask taking a sip of their drink.

"I guess. But I'm pretty sure he still likes me." "If your his friends yeah. I'm pretty sure he would like you."

"No Patty. Not like that. We 'dated' remember. There was one night where he started to freak out. Eddie wouldn't let me near him." He sighs slightly, remembering that night gives him chills.

"He was yelling stuff. Saying something about love or

"Well, you have me now. Don't worry about them." She kisses him gently before taking their plates to the kitchen.

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now