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*Bill's POV/ Earlier*
Stanley holds Richies head in his hands. Everyone knows Richie has/had a crush on Stanley. That must've made Richie feel great, having his crush hold him like that.

But he's my pretend boyfriend right? He shouldn't be that close to Richie right now, right? I should be in his position, right? He loves me right?!

Wait no...we don't love each other. It's pretending. Nothing real. All fake. No feelings. Just 'acting' Richie said it himself.

It's just a dare, you have to act like a normal couple. Kissing. Typical couple stuff. But we're pretending.



A simulation? No... not a simulation, real life.

*Back to real-time*
We all start to watch Wall-E. Richie had plopped down beside me earlier. His arms going behind Eddie and I. Simply ignoring the smaller boy beside him.

Halfway throughout the movie Stanley pulls his legs away, sitting up. My arm had been resting behind him. His eyes flutter close gradually. His head deliberately tilts until it falls onto my shoulder.

I pull him closer, he snuggles up to my side. I kiss his head. Once again Ben covers Beverly's mouth. "Beverly no." He whispers, snickering a bit.

I smile before resting my head atop of his and falling asleep too.

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now