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" don't mean you?" "I do...we're over." "Fuck you, Bill." She shoves Bill before making her way into the bedroom. Coming out thirty minutes later with everything she owns.

"Fuck you." She mumbles before slamming the door.


B: uh...P-Patty moved out

R: really? Why

B: she said she doesn't love me anymore

R: damn man...are you okay?

B: yeah...I'm on my way back I-if that's okay?

R: yeah... Georgie is still asleep. Everyone is asleep except me.

B: I'll see you in a bit.

Bill smiles gently, grabbing his keys and his shoes.

"I love you." He whispers, laying Eddie gently on the bed. Kissing his cheek and leaving the room.

"Hey, Billiam." "Richard." "Not that name." He groans, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"Where's G-Georgie?" "Still in Stanley's room."

He nods before making his way to the room. Opening the door he finds two people sleeping. Stanley holds onto Georgie tightly. Holding him close.

The room fills with soft snores, Bill's heart fills with happiness. His mind floods with colors, bright colors. He finds himself smiling.

Stanley pulls Georgie closer to his chest. Snuggling closer.

Bill stands there for a minute before the youngest one shuffles in the bed. "Billy?" He whispers, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.

"Hey, G-Georgie." He smiles gently, sitting at the end of the bed. The boy crawls over to him, sitting next to him with his head on his shoulder.

"Still s-sleepy?" "Yeah...I'm hungry." "Come on. Let's go find something." Georgie nods his head, leaving the room first.

Bill spots a picture framed on the nightstand. A picture of the seven.


One person stops us seven as we bundle up to take a photo. I slip behind Stanley, laying my head on his as his back curves. He laughs mid picture.

Making every imperfection that we as a friend group has caused, perfect in the eyes of our friends.

—Flashback Ending—

Bill smiles gently at the picture. Seeing his converse against the wall perfectly aligned with other pairs of shoes.

"Billy, come on." Richie chuckles. "Georgie is the only one who can call me that y-you know." His laugher making Stanley's heart flutter.

He had been awake since Georgie left the room.

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat