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The kiss lingers on my lips as we walk to my house first. "How's Georgie?" "He's d-doing good." He gently smiles, looking down at the ground.

"Why are you nervous?" "Fucking stutter. Uh...I'll t-tell you at the quarry." I nod, leaving the conversation alone.

I stare at the seat where I sat after Bill breaking my nose. A drip of blood on the grey armrest.

"I'll be right back. Get anything you want from the kitchen." His fridge bare. All the pictures Georgie had colored gone, all pictures of all of the losers club. Gone.

Except one.

A picture someone took. My hand on his cheek as he grips my waist. The picture was taken mid-laugh.   I pluck it off, seeing everyone except Richie in the picture.

"Fucking hell Richie." I chuckle messing with the edge of the small picture.

"Oh uh...I forgot to take that one-off." I hand it to him as he puts it in his wallet. A clear film over it, opening it you'll see picture.

"I'm guessing you're ready?" "Y-yeah..." he chuckles. "Question." We walk out of the house. I just now realize the walls look more bare than usual.

"Go ahead." His house not far from the quarry.

"How come the house looks bare? Like you're taking stuff out of it?" "Oh look. What type of bird is that?" "Oh wow...I haven't seen that one."

We continue to talk about birds. He silently listens, nodding his head and asking questions a couple of times. Making me completely forget what we were talking about beforehand.

The water warmer than usual. The sun beats down on us. "Eddie would freak if he figured out if he knew we aren't gonna wear sunscreen." "We'll be fine." He smiles.

"How's your nose?" His fingers lightly trail over the bandages. "It's doing better. Swelling is going down too." "Good...I'm still sorry about that." His hands meet mine in the water.

The water only up to our waist. Our hands peeking through a little bit. "It's okay. You were scared and upset." His face softens as his thumb softly goes over my cheekbones. My eyes sunken the tiniest bit from not sleeping fully.

His green eyes inspect my face. Each place he looks his breathing slows the tiniest bit more. Small strands of blond hair fall in front of his line of vision. I push it back slowly.

"You knew they bet us off right?"

Why did I say that?

"Oh yeah...sorry."

No, it's okay.

"I never would've thought we would've become friends."

Neither did I.

"I'm sorry for almost drowning you like...what day was it?" "Monday I believe." "It's been a crazy week."

It has.

"Georgie loves you." "He does?" I gently smile. "Yeah...he said you're one of his best friends now."

His stutter completely gone. His mind in a state of calmness.

"That's cute." " is."

We continue to swim. For a bit longer.

"Don't be fucking down there." Richie basically cackles as Eddie pushes him off. He lands in an awkward angle. "Oh shit." The comes up for air, grabbing onto whatever is closest to him, which happens to be my arm.

"Shit Richie. Stop being so damn annoying and maybe that won't happen." He chuckles lightly as Eddie, Ben and Beverly jump down. Mike following behind.

"I thought you weren't coming Mikey." "Changed my mind. I finished working and that girl wasn't really worth it."

I hug his bare waist. Eddie gets onto Richies back. The two smile at each other's company. Whispering at each other in the process. I climb into Mike's, Beverly on Ben's, as we all float around.

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now