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"He's gonna notice if you keep staring at him." "Shut up Eddie," I whisper, glancing back at the blond one who talks to Beverly.

He keeps his eyes down. I look away slowly. "Damn," I mumble as Richie slithers an arm around my waist.

"Sorry, Stan. I wish I could help." Richie sighs picking me up. "Richie I'm not in the mood to be held right now." "I've got a plan shut up."

He pulls me into his back as he starts to run, of course, that makes me laugh loudly. "R-Richie stop!" I squeal as we run around the other five.

He stops beside Eddie, slowly letting me down. "You asshole." I chuckle lightly.

"He was smiling the whole time." "Just go up to him and kiss him already dude," Richie smirks. "I would but no," I mumble.

"You walk slow Bill. Come on stop being anti-social." Beverly pulls the three boys closer to our group. Bill bumps into me. "S-Sorry." His voice low.

I nod.

"I'm tired. I don't wanna walk." "Well come here Eds." Richie smiles before picking the boy up and onto his back.

"You two literally suck." I chuckle as Eddie flips me off. "Mike gets to be the flower girl." Mike grins happily.

"It's gonna be years till I get married. Damn. I haven't th-thought about that." We all laugh as Mike pats his back.

"Where are we going exactly?" Ben intertwines his fingers with Beverly's. "We're home, Ben." I smile shaking my head gently.

"It's 9 pm. Let's drink." "N-not again. I gotta get home."

Everyone gets ready for bed, everyone except Bill and I. "Are you gonna be okay walking by yourself?" "I'll b-be fine Stan...I might get ice cream on the way." He laughs.

"Can I join?" He nods his head, opening the door for me. "Thanks." My heart flutters at his grin.

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now