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My blond boy. My blond boy. Nobody else's but mine.

"I'll see y-you at lunch S-Stan." He smiles as the warmth my hand held, disappears. "Okay." I nod as he pats my shoulder, walking away with some girl.

"Dare ends at lunch you know." Mike's eyes stay in his locker, searching for some type of book. "Y-yeah...the dare." He nods and walks away with Beverly.

"Does he know?" A small voice unrecognizable. "What?" Quick my turning around a girl with dirty blonde hair smiles. "That you love him silly." She giggles.

"What do you mean?" "You're in love with him. Everyone can tell. The way you look at him, how you talk to look for him in crowded places." "I-I don't know what you're talking about." "Sure you do. The names Patty." "Stanley."

I find my eyes wandering, looking for one happy face.

"We have our next class together if you wanna walk with me." She smiles slightly. "Uh...sure." Before looking back at her she grips my hand, making us two speed walk.

"You didn't have to basically run." I sigh. She giggles bringing me into the classroom.

*Bill's POV*
I walk away with a girl, a girl planning on asking Mike out later. "G-good's h-his number." "Thanks." She smiles as she walks away giggling.

"Shit, the wrong way." I continue to walk back down the hallway. Spotting a happy face smiling gently at someone. Being tall is an advantage.

He grips one strap of his book bag while looking down, smiling still. A girl continues to talk with him. He nods gently before being pulled in my direction, I hide in the sea of students.

She giggles as their fingers interlock. She pulls him in the classroom, their hands still together.

"Oh shit. Billiams mad." "Richie I will literally end your life right here right now, don't test my patience." "I-ok then. I'll go bother Eddie." Eddie squeals as Richie runs after him.

I peek into the classroom. The boy I look for not to be found. "Bill? What are you doing classes are about to start." He sharpens his pencil beside the door. "Oh uh...sorry. See you a-after lunch." I walk away quickly.

*Stanley's POV*
Bill squints into my classroom as I stand near the door with a pencil in hand. He doesn't explain and walks away. I smile gently.

He was looking for me?

Love at First Dare // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now